One Sip at a Time Book by Keith Van Sickle
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Learning to Speak French One Sip at a Time Book Review

Expat living is not for the faint of heart. Surrounded by a new environment, comfortable routines are gone, and even mundane daily tasks require extra consideration and effort. Where to grocery shop? What are the best schools? What about health care? Add a foreign language and different cultural norms to …

READ MORE  Learning to Speak French One Sip at a Time Book Review
Perfectly Provence this week

Discover the Perfectly Provence Contributors

Perfectly Provence is the name of this website; it is also a community of over 40 contributors each of whom has a personal connection to the region. The list includes expats who have chosen to make the South of France their home: Rebecca Ronane is a dynamic life coach with …

READ MORE  Discover the Perfectly Provence Contributors
Paul Shore Author Uncorked
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it

Paul Shore is a Canadian with a taste for adventure and a flair for writing. Some 20-years ago, he jumped at a work opportunity to live as an expat near the French Riviera. He chose to rent a place in the hill-top village of Saint Paul de Vence. The town …

READ MORE  Expat Living in Provence: Why not Try it
One Sip at a Time Book by Keith Van Sickle
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

One Sip at a Time a Journey from Silicon Valley to St Remy de Provence

It took 20 visits to Provence before Keith Van Sickle and his wife decided to make the region their part-time home. A Northern California native, Van Sickle spent his early years on an island in the San Francisco Bay – Alameda, California. “It’s a sleepy town, an oasis of 1950’s …

READ MORE  One Sip at a Time a Journey from Silicon Valley to St Remy de Provence
Puss in Boots in Provence Children's Book @coco_blignaut
Books on ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Children’s Book: Puss in Boots in Provence

We asked author Coco Blignaut if she would write a guest post for Perfectly Provence readers about her latest book Puss in Boots in Provence. This children’s tale may spark a travel bug in a few small people, and if you are lucky they may even let you read this novel about …

READ MORE  Children’s Book: Puss in Boots in Provence
Searching For Peter Mayles Provence #Book @unxplorer
Books on ProvenceInspire

Book: Searching for Peter Mayle’s Provence

Susan Guillory does not let a little thing like a mountain range stand in her way. Shortly after returning from an adventure and self-admitted challenge of a lifetime – hiking in the Italian Dolomites – Susan published her first book “Searching for Peter Mayle’s Provence.” Guillory is a Perfectly Provence contributor, …

READ MORE  Book: Searching for Peter Mayle’s Provence
Luberon Views @deb_lawrenson
Deborah Lawrenson

A Hamlet in the Luberon

Almost ten years ago, we bought a run-down house in the Luberon. Actually, it was rather more than a house: it’s un hameau, a hamlet of several buildings overlooking the long sweep of the Luberon hills and the valley. ‘It has a very special atmosphere,’ said the agent who took …

READ MORE  A Hamlet in the Luberon
margos-musings @margo_lestz
Books on ProvenceInspireMargo Lestz

Margo’s Provence Musings

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: The summer holidays are over and it’s time for another “Margo’s Musings.” In these occasional updates, I share news of my books and other projects. This summer was a difficult one in Nice because, as you know, our July was marred by the horrible terrorist …

READ MORE  Margo’s Provence Musings
Author Patricia Sands Stories
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Books Patricia Sands Love in Provence Series

Patricia Sands is one of those people you cannot get enough of, she is warm, open and always ready for discovery. Bitten by the European travel bug at age 21, Sands spent a year backpacking and exploring local cultures, many miles away from her home in Toronto. Through life’s twists …

READ MORE  Books Patricia Sands Love in Provence Series
Jamie Ivey @ProvenceGuru @ModernTrobador
Books on ProvenceInspireModern Trobadors

Catching up with the Provence Guru

Those of you who travel to Provence or fancy a trip sometime soon–or who are lucky enough to live here–no doubt are acquainted with the Provence Guru. The Guru–aka, Jamie Ivey–and wife Tanya traded their London lives for adventures in Provence that spawned four books, and a glossy magazine about …

READ MORE  Catching up with the Provence Guru