Painting Workshops Provence Tessa Baker
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Simply Watercolours a Virtual Painting Course by Tessa Baker

Tessa Baker is a talented artist who runs small-group painting holidays and workshops in Provence, Italy, and other beautiful destinations. For several years, she has organized Painting Provence with Tess tours. The intimate group size ensures that everyone gets the personal attention required. These weeks are creative, intense, and productive. …

READ MORE  Simply Watercolours a Virtual Painting Course by Tessa Baker
SCAD Art Design Lacoste
Artists Inspired by ProvenceInspireJulie Whitmarsh

SCAD Discovering Art and Design in Lacoste

From time to time, you see something that makes you reconsider some of the decisions you’ve made in life, and a recent visit to the SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) campus at Lacoste, was one of those moments. It was the first stop on our day with the …

READ MORE  SCAD Discovering Art and Design in Lacoste
Atelier Ombres et Lumieres Aix-en-Provence
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Sign-up Now for Colourful Summer Painting Classes at Atelier Ombres et Lumieres

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: The ‘Atelier Ombres et Lumieres‘ at Les Milles is run by Murielle Moutel, an innovative artist and teacher. I enjoy going to a weekly class there and so can personally recommend signing up for one of her summer courses which are taking place in July. …

READ MORE  Sign-up Now for Colourful Summer Painting Classes at Atelier Ombres et Lumieres
Vincent Van Gogh’s St Remy Statue
Artists Inspired by ProvenceInspirePhotographers in Provence

Art and Photography in Provence

Artists and Art Teachers in Provence Provence is an endless canvas for artists, writers, photographers and frankly anyone with a fragment of a creative side. A place famous for its magical light, Provence has inspired master painters Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, Van Gogh and many of today’s creators (photos below). Tessa Baker …

READ MORE  Art and Photography in Provence
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille

By aixcentric If you fancy giving your painting skills a boost, I can recommend from personal experience the Atelier Ombres et Lumieres in Les Milles. Owner and artist Muriel Moutel will be teaching one-week courses during July, for adults and ados. Muriel encourages her classes to start with interesting backgrounds …

READ MORE  Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille
Palais Longchamp Marseille Provence
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Marseille Summer Watercolour and Drawing Lessons

The Musee des Beaux Arts at Marseille’s Palais Longchamp is the venue for two sets of art classes this summer. Watercolour lessons are on July 8-10th and 15-17th while instruction in charcoal drawing takes place on August 12-14th and 19-21st. 18€ per 3 days. Click here for Explore this Post

READ MORE  Marseille Summer Watercolour and Drawing Lessons
AixcentricInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Typo Apeloig – Interesting Posters on Show

By aixcentric In parallel with the appearance of Mario Vargas Llosa, the Fete du Livre will be celebrating the work of Philippe Apeloig. ‘Who?’ did I hear you say? Well that was my reaction, but he appears to be a talented and well-known French designer and affichiste. Apeloig had Explore …

READ MORE  Typo Apeloig – Interesting Posters on Show