Hotel-du-Caumont-Aix @Provence_Search
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceSophia van Woensel-Mose

Slowing the Pace of Life in Aix-en-Provence

Most foreigners moving here love the fact that life in beautiful Aix-en-Provence is lived at a slower pace. However, the daily business of living doesn’t always go slowly here because of a conscious lifestyle choice. Instead, it often is a consequence of this medieval capital of Provence having expanded over …

READ MORE  Slowing the Pace of Life in Aix-en-Provence
Corner Bistro in Aix en Provence
Guest PostTaste

Keeping out of the wind – Places for Snacking in Aix

If only the authors of guidebooks who drool over Provencal markets with such glowing, romantic prose could witness the scene today! The few brave traders in the Cours Mirabeau were packing up by 11, such was the wind; but this unlucky one didn’t strike camp fast enough. Estate agents’ publicity …

READ MORE  Keeping out of the wind – Places for Snacking in Aix
La Rotonde #AixenProvence @margo_lestz
InspireMargo LestzProvencal History & Traditions

Good King René and His Fountain

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: Aix-en-Provence, the City of a Thousand Fountains Aix-en-Provence is known as the city of 1,000 fountains. However, since the folks of this area have a reputation for exaggeration, we should probably take that with a grain of salt. The real number might be closer to …

READ MORE  Good King René and His Fountain
Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville

The ‘dig’ being carried out ahead of the redevelopment of the Place de la Madeleine has already yielded results in that skeletons are being exhumed and taken for examination. As expected, there was a 16-18th century cemetery beside the church. The archaeologists are also hoping to find objects. This historical …

READ MORE  Aix en Provence Archaeologists Find Cemetery in centre ville
Expo at Hotel de Caumont
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix: Marilyn Monroe Photo Expo

‘Marilyn I Wanna Be Loved By You’ is the new exhibition at Aix’s Caumont Centre-d’Art. Sixty images from top photographers will highlight her career – most of them are from private collections. The narrative will focus on her relationship with photography and ask how they Marilyn and the photographers – …

READ MORE  Aix: Marilyn Monroe Photo Expo
Cours Mirabeau Aix-en-Provence
Caroline LongstaffeExploreLocals Travel Tips

Discover Aix-en-Provence with an expert!

“Provence appeals to so many because the region offers something for everyone. From sea to sky, from mountains to meadows, from history to contemporary, it is an endless canvas.”  Esteemed writer Carolyne Kauser-Abbott’s perspectives about Provence. Visit the stunning city of Aix-en-Provence with her here….. Carolyne is the author of …

READ MORE  Discover Aix-en-Provence with an expert!
College des Precheurs
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Hidden Treasure in Aix-en-Provence

This weekend, I decided to visit the exhibition about the 23 trees threatened by the Places Verdun-Precheurs development. I will come back to these trees. But first, I was amazed at the beautiful building inside when I opened the door to this former school, the College des Precheurs. It looks …

READ MORE  Hidden Treasure in Aix-en-Provence
Aix-en-Provence Roman Road
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence

It’s so fascinating that every time people start digging in Aix, they come up with remains from Roman times. And the latest to be uncovered is 50 metres of a road near to the hospital. There is to be a new car park for the hospital and a bus lane …

READ MORE  More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence
Old fortifications and tower #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Aix en Provence Walking Tour Discovery Beyond the Ordinary

Frédéric Paul is the founder of Le Visible est Invisible, a company that offers guided tours in Aix en Provence and the region. What he hopes to demonstrate to clients during the walking tours is that the history of Provence is in your face, but you need to be ready …

READ MORE  Aix en Provence Walking Tour Discovery Beyond the Ordinary
Place des Precheurs
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Place des Precheurs – Archaeologists to move in…

As is usual in Aix-en-Provence, any large-scale developments in Centre-ville include archaeologists, and the Place des Precheurs, with its 2100 years of history, will give them a fascinating opportunity to see what lies beneath… The Romans built their defensive towers and ramparts there, and later, the counts of Provence built. …

READ MORE  Place des Precheurs – Archaeologists to move in…