Absinthe the French Drink with a Poor Reputation
Absinthe the Green Fairy Two highly-alcoholic beverages with herbal ingredients absinthe and pastis are both significantly linked to the food heritage of Provence. Absinthe is a spirit, not a liqueur as it does not contain sugar. Typically a green liquid, it is often referred to as “la fée verte” or “the green fairy.” …
Absinthe the Green Fairy Two highly-alcoholic beverages with herbal ingredients absinthe and pastis are both significantly linked to the food heritage of Provence. Absinthe is a spirit, not a liqueur as it does not contain sugar. Typically a green liquid, it is often referred to as “la fée verte” or “the green fairy.” …

Absinthe Ice Cream a Dessert So Good It Should be Outlawed
This recipe for Absinthe Ice Cream is an adaptation of one that she created for her blog with Drambuie. No churning required, freezer ice cream, well it’s almost a miracle.
This recipe for Absinthe Ice Cream is an adaptation of one that she created for her blog with Drambuie. No churning required, freezer ice cream, well it’s almost a miracle.