ExploreGuest Post

Destinations from Marseille Airport

Istanbul will be one of the destinations to have increased services in the new winter schedule just announced by Marseille-Provence Airport. There will be a daily flight to Geneva and new destinations include Lisbon, Strasbourg, Jijel (Algeria) and Lanzarote.

READ MORE  Destinations from Marseille Airport
Barefoot BloggerInspire

It’s A Blustery Day in France: Le Mistral

When I was first considering the move to Uzes, France, a new friend mentioned the “wind” in the winter. Since she chooses to return to her home in London each year from late September until April, I figured the “wind” was convenient… Explore this Post In the summer months, a …

READ MORE  It’s A Blustery Day in France: Le Mistral
Caromb Vaucluse Provence
Hilda StearnInspire

Provence Lifestyle by accident or was it fate?

When my widowed mum announced that she was moving to France we all assumed that she would settle in Brittany or Normandy – places she had visited many times with my father. Within easy reach of the UK and her beloved granddaughter the north of France seemed sensible. My strong-willed …

READ MORE  Provence Lifestyle by accident or was it fate?