Winter in Provence Events Calendar La Rotonde Christmas Aix-en-Provence
AppetizerCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'AzurWinter in Provence

Winter in Provence Events Calendar 2022

Winter Festivals and Events in Provence What is winter like in Provence? It’s a good question. So, many images of the South of France are summer scenes; ribbons of blooming lavender fields, glasses of rosé with beads of condensation and beautiful people in enjoying their holidays. Perhaps wintertime in Provence garners less …

READ MORE  Winter in Provence Events Calendar 2022
Holiday Gift Guide Provence 2021
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

2021 Holiday Gift Guide from Provence

Holiday Gift Guide It’s that time of year. The countdown is on for holiday shopping, and the thought of parking at a mall is frightening. Who needs it?! Discover our Holiday Gift Guide with products for the Home (table, kitchen and décor). We invite you to browse the selection of …

READ MORE  2021 Holiday Gift Guide from Provence
The France Issue Provence by Photo Authority Magazine
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspirePhotographers in Provence

The France Issue Provence by Photo Authority Magazine

Photo Authority Magazine recently published its third issue dedicated to Provence. These stunning online magazines are a resource for travellers and photography lovers. These digital format magazines filled with images and articles invite you to explore Kenya’s Maasai Mara, the Altai Region in Mongolia, or Provence in southern France. Each …

READ MORE  The France Issue Provence by Photo Authority Magazine
Joël Durand Chocolate Provence portrait
Keith Van SickleLocal Food ProducersTaste

Joël Durand The Best Chocolate Maker in Provence

A Precocious Talent “As a young boy in Brittany,” says Joël Durand, “I had three dreams—to be a chef, a pastry-maker, or a race car driver.” A smile crosses his face. “My parents made it clear that driving race cars was not in the cards, so I started cooking when …

READ MORE  Joël Durand The Best Chocolate Maker in Provence
seared duck ground cherry chutney
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney

The other day I got a text from my friend, Jill, that our local store had gooseberries, and did I want any? What a silly question! Of course, I wanted some gooseberries. Within seconds I was dreaming of the gooseberry-almond cake from my days in Heidelberg, Germany. When Jill arrived …

READ MORE  Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney
cumin roasted pork chops
David Scott AllenMain CoursePorkProvencal RecipesTaste

Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops

What’s for dinner? It is a question I have asked myself daily for the past 400 days. Yes, I have cooked every meal since mid-March 2020 at home. No restaurants, no take-out, nothing. But, if you know me, I enjoyed it, especially these cumin-roasted pork chops. In the spirit of …

READ MORE  Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops
pear frangipane tart
David Scott AllenDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

A Sweet Pairing Recipe for Pear Frangipane Tart

Today’s recipe combines one of my recipes and one by my friend Inger, who writes The Art of Natural Living. She posted a pear frangipane tart sometime before Christmas, and I had been tasked with finding a Christmas dessert with a 1999 Château d’Yquem Sauternes (thanks, Lee!). Such a problem …

READ MORE  A Sweet Pairing Recipe for Pear Frangipane Tart
Books Provencal Reading List
Guest PostInspireShopping & Gifts

8 Souvenirs from Provence for Book Lovers

Provence is one of the most picturesque tourist places in the world. Known mainly for its sunny weather and colourful countryside, this region is perfect for tours and family holidays. One of the best parts of visiting Provence is that you can easily get a fancy souvenir from France for …

READ MORE  8 Souvenirs from Provence for Book Lovers
Puyméras for Provencal Lunch
Our House in ProvenceRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Head to Puyméras for a Provencal Lunch

Puyméras is a small village on a hill a few km northeast of Vaison-la-Romaine at the northern tip of the Vaucluse near the border of the Department of the Drome. When you approach Puyméras coming from Vaison-la-Romaine, the village is visible on the hill surrounded by homes, vineyards and lavender …

READ MORE  Head to Puyméras for a Provencal Lunch
Sunflowers in Provence
ExploreOur House in Provence

Looking for Sunflowers in Provence

As soon as we finished our drive around the lavender fields we started hunting for sunflowers, called tournesol in French. You may not be aware that despite the fact that you find postcards, photos and paintings of sunflowers all over Provence, they are actually native to the Americas. Sunflower seeds …

READ MORE  Looking for Sunflowers in Provence