Real Luberon Lacoste Village
ExploreSophia van Woensel-Mose

Provence: Falling for the Real Luberon

Before we moved to France I had read Peter Mayle’s account of his idyllic year in the Luberon region of Provence, and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, when planning our great escape from the grey-skied rat-race that is the City of London we never contemplated moving to the Luberon. Somehow it …

READ MORE  Provence: Falling for the Real Luberon
Hotel Caumont Aix en Provence @culturespaces
ExploreGuest Post

Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont

We locals have been watching the ongoing work on the 300-year-old mansion, the Hotel Caumont, for two years as workmen repaired the roof, stonemasons worked on the ancient façade, and lorries drove in and out of the garden area. You can almost hear the clip-clop of the horses’ hooves maneuvering …

READ MORE  Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont
Pavillon de Vendome #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
InspireProvencal History & TraditionsThe Unexplorer

Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence

The thing I love about Provence is that it’s not Paris. What I mean is: Paris is obvious. There’s the Tour Eiffel, l’Arc de Triomphe, a whole slew of “must-see” tourist destinations. But Provence, on the other hand, still has a lot of hidden secrets that the average tourist is …

READ MORE  Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence
Discover Provence Sarah and Rick Steves @AboutProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Discover Provence Tours with Locals

It must have been a bit of a letdown for Sarah Pernet, the founder of Discover Provence, to meet with travel guru Rick Steves one week and myself the next. It is obvious why Discover Provence (established 2012) is on Mr Steves’ radar, this young company has achieved the number …

READ MORE  Discover Provence Tours with Locals
Jill Steenhuis and Sergio Ruffato exhibits in #AixenProvence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Jill Steenhuis Exhibits in Aix Annual Show

Every June, there’s a must-visit exhibition in Aix from a talented local family – painter Jill Steenhuis, her sculptor husband Sergio Ruffato, plus their son Serge, also a sculptor. Jill paints in an impressionistic style and usually takes her inspiration from Aix, the Sainte-Victoire and the countryside around her lovely …

READ MORE  Jill Steenhuis Exhibits in Aix Annual Show
L’Antichambre du Festival Festival #AixenProvence
ExploreGuest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

June is Music Month in Aix

It has started – such treats in store for music-lovers. L’Antichambre du Festival, the prelude to the July Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, began June 9th. It’s a chance for locals to sample recitals, opera rehearsals and workshops – there will be 35 in all.

READ MORE  June is Music Month in Aix
Chocolate cake #Food Styling #afoodstylistslife @VivaldoGroup
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTaste

Food Styling Photo Workshop in Provence

Your photos of market produce failed to capture the moment. Did the picture of your perfect soufflé fall flat? The ice cream melted in the bowl before you got back to your camera! Good news! There is now hope for your food photography bundled together with a glorious trip to …

READ MORE  Food Styling Photo Workshop in Provence
Tomatoes with Bruccio quenelles
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Wonderful Side Dish Tomatoes with Provençal Herbs and Goat Cheese (Bruccio) Quenelles

The Provence Gourmet shares this wonderful side dish made with tomatoes and fresh herbs. Gilles uses Bruccio is a fresh goat cheese from the lovely island of Corsica, you can substitute with a ricotta if you cannot find this Corsican delicacy in your local stores.

READ MORE  Wonderful Side Dish Tomatoes with Provençal Herbs and Goat Cheese (Bruccio) Quenelles
Old vines with Ste Victoire in the background @LizGabayMW #WinesofProvence
Elizabeth GabayTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Sub-appellations of Côtes de Provence: Sainte Victoire

Provence is divided by ranges of mountains running parallel to the sea and by the valleys which cut through these mountains, taking rivers to the sea. In historic times these valleys served as corridors of communication. The valley to the east of Aix is no exception as the medieval walled town …

READ MORE  Sub-appellations of Côtes de Provence: Sainte Victoire
Jill Steenhuis #Provence #Artist
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Jill Steenhuis Shares Her Perfectly Provence

We asked artist Jill Steenhuis to share her definition of Perfectly Provence. You can read more about Jill’s background, her connection with Cezanne’s Chateau Noir and her workshops. Explore Provence It depends on the person and their personal interests. It would be pointless to show someone Chateau Noir if they …

READ MORE  Jill Steenhuis Shares Her Perfectly Provence