Provencal Beef Stew
BeefLet’s Eat the WorldMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Gardiane de Taureau Provencal Beef or Bull Stew

Are you looking for winter comfort food? This French meat stew makes a cold day a little warmer. Gardiane de Taureau, or gardianne, is also known as a daube camarguaise or daube des gardians. Our recipe for this traditional Provencal stew includes marinaded, slow-cooked meat from the black bulls (taureaux) …

READ MORE  Gardiane de Taureau Provencal Beef or Bull Stew
Orgon Notre Dame de Beauregard Alpilles
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Discover These Authentic Alpilles Villages

Within the Parc Naturel Régional des Alpilles are several villages, each with a distinctive character. Authentic Alpilles Villages Below, we highlight a few towns that are not typically on visitors’ itineraries. These villages have as much history and charm as their popular neighbours. But perhaps with some additional authenticity as …

READ MORE  Discover These Authentic Alpilles Villages
Hearty Winter Stew Grillade Aigriada Saint Gilloise
BeefLet’s Eat the WorldMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

For a Hearty Winter Stew try Grillade Saint Gilloise

A slow-cooked meat stew, Grillade Saint-Gilloise, might be the perfect winter recipe. A hearty meat dish, this recipe typically includes beef or bull (taureau) chuck, onions, anchovy fillets, and capers. Sometimes called agrillade, aigriade, in Arles broufade, in Provencal broufado.  The key to this recipe is the long marinating time. …

READ MORE  For a Hearty Winter Stew try Grillade Saint Gilloise
Holiday Gift Guide Provence 2021
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

2021 Holiday Gift Guide from Provence

Holiday Gift Guide It’s that time of year. The countdown is on for holiday shopping, and the thought of parking at a mall is frightening. Who needs it?! Discover our Holiday Gift Guide with products for the Home (table, kitchen and décor). We invite you to browse the selection of …

READ MORE  2021 Holiday Gift Guide from Provence
The Birdwatcher's Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

The Birdwatcher’s Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett

Retired and living in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence since 2011, even after a decade, Gayle Smith Padgett and her hubby Ralph continue their exploration of the region. In 2019, they embarked on “The Big Birding,” a 12-month project they decided would feed Ralph’s passion for birding and test Gayle’s logistical, writing, and record-keeping …

READ MORE  The Birdwatcher’s Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett
Fougasse d’Aigues Mortes
BreadsLet’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesTaste

Sweet Fougasse Recipe from Aigues Mortes, France

This fougasse recipe comes from the old fortified city of Aigues-Mortes in the Gard, a beautiful Southern France area. Often reserved for the holidays, enjoy this sweet, chewy bread all year-round.  Serve fougasse with other pastries or enjoy it on its own for a satisfying treat! Book a cooking class, …

READ MORE  Sweet Fougasse Recipe from Aigues Mortes, France
Alpilles Hiking Tips Deux Trous

Guide to the Villages of the Alpilles

Beautiful Alpilles Established in 2007, the Parc Naturel Régional des Alpilles covers the mountain range and its flanks. As a protected natural area, there are restrictions on construction and park usage. However, the artifacts from human settlements discovered in these hills date back to the Neolithic era, and the range …

READ MORE  Guide to the Villages of the Alpilles
Provence Fall Festivals 2022
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2021 Events

Festivals and Fall Events in Provence Fall in Provence directs you towards a heartier menu. Enjoy meat (lamb, wild boar, taureaux, rabbit, fowl) roasted with herbes de Provence, root vegetables and delicious red wine blends. At this time of year, the hiking is fabulous, biking is possible, and golfers might …

READ MORE  Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2021 Events
Bell Tower Hotel de Ville Aix-en-Provence #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence

It’s someone’s job to clamber up narrow staircases and reach across the void inside the Tour de l’Horloge to manoeuvre the four (4) statues around every 3 months when the season changes. It’s down to (or should we say up to) the Mairie concierge, who says he didn’t realize this …

READ MORE  The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence
Provence Best Melon Cavaillon Melon
Keith Van SickleLocal Food ProducersTaste

Provence has the Best Melon in the World

There are lots of different melons, from the ubiquitous cantaloupe to the fabulously expensive Yubari King. And the best of them all comes from a small town in Provence called Cavaillon. Melon de Cavaillon has a history that goes back to the days of the Avignon Papacy. The popes needed …

READ MORE  Provence has the Best Melon in the World