Roussillon – A Very Colorful Day in Provence
The Village of Roussillon
“Une Journée Très Colorée”…
The village of Roussillon is a tiny village filled with cafés and galleries selling pottery, art, and souvenirs. It is a quaint little village perched on top of hillside, painted hues of orange, yellow and reds to match the nearby ochre mines. The most beautiful approach is in the morning arriving from Saint-Saturnin-les-Apt, as the rising sun casts a soft golden light over the village.
…Continue reading here to see the rest of the photo gallery from Girl Gone Gallic’s day in Roussillon. Then, discover why you want to visit this gorgeous colourful village in the Luberon. Learn about the legend surrounding the red ochre cliffs and take a walk along the “Sentier des Ocres.” And, bonus travel tips on where to stay nearby.
Roussillon’s Colourful Ochres
Roussillon’s primary attraction is its location perched on the side of a hill in the Luberon Valley. However, the red-hued cliffs standing guard at the edge of this town create a jaw-dropping vista you won’t forget. We visited Roussillon first during a bike trip, and I’m sure I had my head down while climbing the hill. It was only at the top when I caught the rest of the group and my breath that I could take in the stunning view. Natural red, orange, and yellow ochre bands bleed down the cliff edge framing the Luberon views.
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