Luberon Abbaye de Senanque @ShutrsSunflowrs
Caroline LongstaffeExplore

The Luberon’s L’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: Last time on our tour of the Luberon’s perched villages we visited Lacoste and Ménerbes, maybe you missed our next two stops? The mystical ghost town, Oppède-le-Vieux and Gordes, perhaps the Luberon’s most magnificent perched village. From Gordes, the next stop has to be L’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, …

READ MORE  The Luberon’s L’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque
A Window in Cotignac Perfectly Provence Moments
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Gout et Voyage Founder Describes her Perfectly Provence Moments

French by birth, a traveller by nature, Martine Bertin-Peterson is a Marketing and Management Professor at the College of New Jersey. However, once classes wind down for the summer, Martine begins her bespoke Goût et Voyage tours in Provence.  “What more can a man ask of heaven? If I should happen to die …

READ MORE  Gout et Voyage Founder Describes her Perfectly Provence Moments
Lacoste Luberon Villages
ExploreJulie WhitmarshVillages Towns and Cities

L is for Lacoste in the Luberon

We’ve been back home for a week and our tans are fading, so it’s time to return to my own A-Z of the Vaucluse as a way of helping to keep me going over the next few weeks until we travel down for another visit. This week I move onto …

READ MORE  L is for Lacoste in the Luberon
Calanque En Vau Calanques Provence
Carolyne Kauser-Abbott

Discovering Provence as Retired Expat

Journalist/Writer Anne-Marie Simons and her husband Oscar (retired international banker) have lived and worked in the US and Europe. They could have chosen anywhere to retire but decided on sunny Aix-en-Provence. Anne-Marie says, “Our choice of Aix-en-Provence was a bit of a stab in the dark but has worked out …

READ MORE  Discovering Provence as Retired Expat