November Events in Provence
November in Provence. Bring on the chestnuts! We’re currently in Corsica and it seems that roasting them in your front yard is the thing to do. Love it.
Are you in the holiday spirit yet? The massive amounts of high-quality chocolate boxes at the supermarkets are tempting me… Has anyone made a Christmas cake already? Spiced German cookies? You’ll find two of my favourite Christmas markets in Provence during this month; the Foire du Gras and the Alsace-Sénas market.
Here is my selection of some of the most interesting events in Provence this month.
Toussaint (All Saints’ Day)
Public Holiday. Many businesses may be closed.
Marché Italien Portofino – Cassis
Place Baragnon. A market celebrating everything that’s lovely about Italian products in chic Cassis. Perfect day out in my books.
Salon du Sucre et Chocolat – Antibes
While the Brits think of mincemeat and fruit cake, the French associate chocolate with the upcoming holiday season.
Continue reading here for Ashley’s list of November events in Provence and on the Côte d’Azur this month. There are truffle markets, a courge festival, 51 artist’s ateliers open in Atelier and much more.

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