Justin Page @LaGabileria #Antibes @AccessRiviera
InspirePhotographers in ProvenceRebecca Whitlocke

Art, Photography and Wine: Justin Gage Preview

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Art, photography and wine are three of my favourite things and they will all combine into one evening on Saturday 23 January at a Fine Art prints preview (vernissage) evening by photographer Justin Gage hosted at La Ga(bi)leria in Antibes. La Ga(bi)leria is an organic …

READ MORE  Art, Photography and Wine: Justin Gage Preview
Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein @Culturespaces #HoteldeCaumont
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?

This is the lady advertising the current exhibition at the Hotel Caumont. Her image is swinging in the wind along the Cours Mirabeau, raising the question, as posed in the exhibition, is she a model of modesty clutching her little veil or is she an insolent minx?

READ MORE  Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?
Patricia Wells The Cookbook @MaryJaneDeeb
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

Review of Patricia Wells’ The Provence Cookbook

Book review of Patricia Wells’ The Provence Cookbook: 175 Recipes and a Select Guide to the Markets, Shops, & Restaurants of France’s Sunny South, Harper Collins Publishers, First Edition, New York, 2004. When I was a college professor, I used to tell my students that early on in their lives …

READ MORE  Review of Patricia Wells’ The Provence Cookbook
Provencal Mysteries Provence Mysterious Andrew Squires
Books on ProvenceInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Photo History Book: Provencal Mysteries Unveiled

Provence is not all about lavender and rosé. Learn about Provence’s mysterious side in a three-part iBook series by photographer Andrew Squires in this post. Provencal postcards are dominated by fields of purple-lavender rows, stoic sunflowers against cobalt-sky backdrops, gnarled grapevines burdened with ripening fruit and endless groves of olive …

READ MORE  Photo History Book: Provencal Mysteries Unveiled
InspireMaison Mirabeau WinesWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Mirabeau hosts Boy Capel Classic Car Rally

What a delight welcoming these fabulous classic cars on the Cours Gambetta in Cotignac. Jeany had arranged the waypoint for the Boy Capel Classic Car Rally with a family friend who was organizing the event. While participants were offered (small) wine tastings from our converted 2CV wine bar, alongside coffees …

READ MORE  Mirabeau hosts Boy Capel Classic Car Rally
Panoramas @MuCEM_Officiel
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas

MUCEM seems to specialise in quirky off-beat subjects for its exhibitions. ‘J’Aime Les Panoramas’ is a case in point. It starts with this remark made by Jean Dujardin in a film (see photo of scene) and then walks us through the history of panoramic painting and photography.

READ MORE  To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas
Veronique Bienfait
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLearning French

Resolution Learn to Speak French in Provence

What promises did you make for 2016? No dessert? More exercise? Less rosé? (are you crazy!) Or is this the year that you have decided to learn to speak French? If your resolution is to improve your Français communication skills, then Véronique Bienfait is here to help you with language services …

READ MORE  Resolution Learn to Speak French in Provence
January events in #Provence #ExploreProvence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Janvier en Provence January Events in Provence

No snow yet this year! The villages of Provence become quiet after the holidays. People tend to stay in, stoke their living room fires, and leave a pot au feu (stew) on the stove for many hours. There are fewer of the festivals that celebrate one particular type of local …

READ MORE  Janvier en Provence January Events in Provence
Charles Camoin, Port de Cassis, 1905 (Huile sur toile, 65 x 74 cm) – Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse © RMN-Grand Palais/Fondation Bemberg/Mathieu Rabeau
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet

Just seen the announcement from the Musée Granet that the summer blockbuster exhibition will be dedicated to the life and work of Charles Camoin.  Great news. This painter who was influenced by Cézanne and Fauvism.

READ MORE  Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet
#Coffee4Charity @AccessRiviera
Rebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

#Coffee4Charity: Swapping coffee beans for classroom supplies

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Last month, I had the pleasure of meeting Chances for Children’s President Gabrielle Crump, and photographer Justin Gage who had recently visited Uganda to check progress on the Chances for Children orphanage. The orphanage is home for 58 former street children who have been …

READ MORE  #Coffee4Charity: Swapping coffee beans for classroom supplies