Tarte Tatin aux Pommes a French Classic
As you know, I am a big fan of traditional foods. One of my favourites is the Tarte Tatin, an upside-down apple tart. While there are many upside-down tarts and cakes in French cuisine (tartes renversées, gateaux renversés), the Tatin is made with apples. The Tarte Tatin was created (by …
As you know, I am a big fan of traditional foods. One of my favourites is the Tarte Tatin, an upside-down apple tart. While there are many upside-down tarts and cakes in French cuisine (tartes renversées, gateaux renversés), the Tatin is made with apples. The Tarte Tatin was created (by …

A Sweet Fig and Almond Cake
Life here is never boring, and sometimes, even the simplest of things takes a twist, which leaves us wondering how we manage to get through a day without some disaster, or another. However, the sweet reward of a fig and almond cake makes everything better. On Saturday, we headed out …
Life here is never boring, and sometimes, even the simplest of things takes a twist, which leaves us wondering how we manage to get through a day without some disaster, or another. However, the sweet reward of a fig and almond cake makes everything better. On Saturday, we headed out …

Bûche de Noël: A French Christmas Recipe
History of the Bûche de Noël The log is generally eaten on December 24, during the Christmas meal. The cake was born around 1870. Several pastry chefs are fighting over paternity. But it seems they had the idea at the same time for a cake roll that looks like a …
History of the Bûche de Noël The log is generally eaten on December 24, during the Christmas meal. The cake was born around 1870. Several pastry chefs are fighting over paternity. But it seems they had the idea at the same time for a cake roll that looks like a …

Galette Provençale a Holiday Dessert Recipe
Discover the Galette Provençale If you don’t have a galette variation in your country, you can very well make it yourself. While you cook, the children in the family can have fun making wreaths. It really is a very festive time. Moreover, this cake really encourages conviviality, between friends and/or …
Discover the Galette Provençale If you don’t have a galette variation in your country, you can very well make it yourself. While you cook, the children in the family can have fun making wreaths. It really is a very festive time. Moreover, this cake really encourages conviviality, between friends and/or …

How to Make a Bûche de Noël (Yule Log)
One of the Christmas traditions in Provence is called Cacho-Fio or Light the Fire. In Provence, Christmas evening begins with this ancient pagan custom. Cacho-fio is a ritual for lighting the Yule log (calendau, in Provencal) on the evening of December 24th. Together the youngest and the oldest of the …
One of the Christmas traditions in Provence is called Cacho-Fio or Light the Fire. In Provence, Christmas evening begins with this ancient pagan custom. Cacho-fio is a ritual for lighting the Yule log (calendau, in Provencal) on the evening of December 24th. Together the youngest and the oldest of the …

Double Chocolate Chip Cookies a Recipe from France
You might find it surprising to see chocolate chip cookies in the country famous for flaky croissants and perfect baguettes. Of course, these cookies are not traditionally French, but who doesn’t love biscuits aux pépites de chocolate? In large tourist centres such as Paris, where there are millions of visitors …
You might find it surprising to see chocolate chip cookies in the country famous for flaky croissants and perfect baguettes. Of course, these cookies are not traditionally French, but who doesn’t love biscuits aux pépites de chocolate? In large tourist centres such as Paris, where there are millions of visitors …

Make this Chocolate Mousse for Dessert
There is something deliciously decadent about a chocolate dessert. So, this Chocolate Mousse fits the bill perfectly, it’s easy to make, and your guests will love the extra effort. This easy recipe was adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan. Enjoy chocolate mousse as the finale for your …
There is something deliciously decadent about a chocolate dessert. So, this Chocolate Mousse fits the bill perfectly, it’s easy to make, and your guests will love the extra effort. This easy recipe was adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan. Enjoy chocolate mousse as the finale for your …

A Sweet Pairing Recipe for Pear Frangipane Tart
Today’s recipe combines one of my recipes and one by my friend Inger, who writes The Art of Natural Living. She posted a pear frangipane tart sometime before Christmas, and I had been tasked with finding a Christmas dessert with a 1999 Château d’Yquem Sauternes (thanks, Lee!). Such a problem …
Today’s recipe combines one of my recipes and one by my friend Inger, who writes The Art of Natural Living. She posted a pear frangipane tart sometime before Christmas, and I had been tasked with finding a Christmas dessert with a 1999 Château d’Yquem Sauternes (thanks, Lee!). Such a problem …

Just Try to Resist this Lemon Meringue Tart Recipe
I love this tart, it might seem daunting, but I’ve broken it down into three parts, so open a bottle of rosé and have fun with it. You’ll be really happy with the results, I promise! I’ve made the pastry, but feel free to buy it. There are some amazing …
I love this tart, it might seem daunting, but I’ve broken it down into three parts, so open a bottle of rosé and have fun with it. You’ll be really happy with the results, I promise! I’ve made the pastry, but feel free to buy it. There are some amazing …

Chocolate and Pear Tarts a Fall Dessert
This chocolate and pear tart is a perfect dessert for autumn. Chocolate and pears are a magnificent marriage of flavour and texture. For this dessert, I also created a leaf design with raspberry coulis and caramel on a white plate (using squeeze bottles) and blended the colours with a synthetic …
This chocolate and pear tart is a perfect dessert for autumn. Chocolate and pears are a magnificent marriage of flavour and texture. For this dessert, I also created a leaf design with raspberry coulis and caramel on a white plate (using squeeze bottles) and blended the colours with a synthetic …