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Tomatoes Recipes from Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

Favourite Tomatoes Recipes from Provence to Try this Summer

Staring at piles of heirloom tomatoes at a summer market in Provence will convince you that this fruit (yes, it’s a fruit) is native to the region. However typical tomatoes are today, according to Britannica, the plant’s origins lie in South America, arriving only in the early 16th century to …

READ MORE  Favourite Tomatoes Recipes from Provence to Try this Summer
Visiting Menton for Lemons French Riviera
Local Food ProducersMaison Mirabeau WinesTaste

Visiting Menton for Lemons on the French Riviera

When Life Gives You Lemons. We Make Gin! The Citron de Menton has been cultivated since the 15th century, reaching its peak in the 18th century, when millions of lemons were shipped to the United States and Russia. Plagued by scurvy, many sailors were saved by eating lemons. In the …

READ MORE  Visiting Menton for Lemons on the French Riviera
Olive Harvest in Provence
Julie WhitmarshLocal Food ProducersTaste

The Joys of Our First Olive Harvest in Provence

We love our little house and the garden we’ve made here. I have a fig tree, a little cherry tree and even an apricot sapling, all in large tubs on the terrace, but the one thing that we don’t have is an olive tree. We planted one many years ago …

READ MORE  The Joys of Our First Olive Harvest in Provence
Joël Durand Chocolate Provence portrait
Keith Van SickleLocal Food ProducersTaste

Joël Durand The Best Chocolate Maker in Provence

A Precocious Talent “As a young boy in Brittany,” says Joël Durand, “I had three dreams—to be a chef, a pastry-maker, or a race car driver.” A smile crosses his face. “My parents made it clear that driving race cars was not in the cards, so I started cooking when …

READ MORE  Joël Durand The Best Chocolate Maker in Provence
Provence Best Melon Cavaillon Melon
Keith Van SickleLocal Food ProducersTaste

Provence has the Best Melon in the World

There are lots of different melons, from the ubiquitous cantaloupe to the fabulously expensive Yubari King. And the best of them all comes from a small town in Provence called Cavaillon. Melon de Cavaillon has a history that goes back to the days of the Avignon Papacy. The popes needed …

READ MORE  Provence has the Best Melon in the World
Les Pastras Olive Grove
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

Fire Destroys an Olive Grove in Provence

As in many parts of the world, hot summer months in Provence bring an increased risk of forest fires. Fire in the Olives If we ever needed a reminder that all it takes is a spark, our friends at Les Pastras lost 180 olive trees to a grass fire on …

READ MORE  Fire Destroys an Olive Grove in Provence
L'Esplaï du grand Bar des Goudes Bouillabaisse in Marseille
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

In Search of Bouillabaisse in Marseille

Bouillabaisse is Marseille’s signature dish. However, a bit like the city that proclaims to be its birthplace, bouillabaisse is a riddle. Is it a stew or a soup? Is it a noble dish or peasant food? Was it created by the invading Greeks or by hungry fishermen? Is it even …

READ MORE  In Search of Bouillabaisse in Marseille
Food at Atelier Paul Cézanne
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

MPG2021 Gourmet Summer Dinners in Unusual Locations

Recognizing the importance of gastronomic tourism as a travel segment, Provence Tourism launched a food-focused celebration two years ago. Marseille Provence Gastronomie (MPG2019) was an incredible series of events including local markets, cooking demonstrations and even a record-breaking cooking class led by Michelin starred chefs. Building on the previous success, …

READ MORE  MPG2021 Gourmet Summer Dinners in Unusual Locations
Gourmet Bites Saint Remy
Ashley TinkerLocal Food ProducersTaste

Gourmet Bites near Saint Remy de Provence

I’m always on the lookout for interesting spots in the Alpilles, and I’ve recently found a new one! Les Gourmandises de To is an Epicerie Gourmande in the countryside between Saint Remy de Provence and Les Baux de Provence. I visited a couple of days ago after the market in …

READ MORE  Gourmet Bites near Saint Remy de Provence
Fall Olives Season Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTaste

Fall is Olive Season in Provence

Olives from Provence In the Alpilles, near the Vallée des Baux, there is nothing that signals that autumn has arrived more than the olive harvest. The exact timing of the récolte depends on Mother Nature’s impact on the fruit’s maturity. Like every crop, farmers hope to get the timing right …

READ MORE  Fall is Olive Season in Provence