
Visit ITER One of Europe’s Largest Nuclear Research Centres

CEA Cadarache which is after all right on our doorstep and with all the debates ongoing about sourcing energy, this is a very thought-provoking and topical visit to make. In 2005, Cadarache was selected to be the site of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Recator (ITER) You can visit this nuclear …

READ MORE  Visit ITER One of Europe’s Largest Nuclear Research Centres
White Horses of Camargue @Bfblogger2015 @alanmcbride
Barefoot BloggerExploreProvencal History & Traditions

White Horses on the Beach: Festival d’ Abrivados Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

When I heard there were going to be white horses racing on the beach at Saites-Maries-de-la-Mer, I couldn’t wait to get there. I sent a note to my photographer friend, Alan McBride, and suggested he join me with his fancy cameras. It was an event neither of us could miss! …

READ MORE  White Horses on the Beach: Festival d’ Abrivados Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
Sailing in the South of France @MirabeauWine
ExploreMaison Mirabeau WinesStay Fit

Sailing in the South of France

Contributor blog post by Victoria Koning @MirabeauWine: The South of France is an adventurer’s paradise, with Cotignac being very well located. It’s pretty much an hour or two to any kind of activity you’d like to take part in; skiing in the Alps, water sports on the Mediterranean, hiking, climbing …

READ MORE  Sailing in the South of France
Picasso Walk
ExploreGuest PostGuided Holiday Tours

En Balade: Picasso Special Section

The new ‘En Balade’ published by La Provence is a must for those who love the south of France. In tracing Picasso’s favourite places, it has sections on Arles, Sorgues, Aix, Les Baux, St Tropez, Mougins, Antibes and so on. Each section has a good overview on the location, and …

READ MORE  En Balade: Picasso Special Section
Pont d'Avignon C.Demontis Avignon Guided Tours
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Historical Walking and Biking Tours of Avignon

In 2003, Clément Demontis first arrived in Avignon; to attend l’Université d’Avignon. Clément followed his undergraduate studies (history and geography) with a Master’s degree in history, so he is well qualified to share the city’s historical facts. Avignon Authentic Stories, Clément’s tour company, launched in 2014 (first tours in 2015). …

READ MORE  Historical Walking and Biking Tours of Avignon
Glimpse into Uzes @ShutrsSunflowrs
Caroline LongstaffeExplore

Watch this video glimpse into Uzès

The enchanting medieval bastide city of Uzès, just outside of Provence, in Languedoc Roussillon. Come and wander its cobbled streets, and admire its gently worn, shuttered buildings. Discover the Ducal château, its Medieval Garden and the iconic Fenestrelle tower. Continue reading here for the rest of Caroline’s post and why …

READ MORE  Watch this video glimpse into Uzès
MuCEM views #Marseille #Provence #MUCEM @PerfProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Reasons to Visit Marseille Must See List

It is too bad that some visitors shy away from France’s second biggest port, scared off by Marseille’s somewhat edgy reputation. In the past, they might have been right, but now it would be a crying shame to miss the museums and the shopping in Marseille. When you go this …

READ MORE  Reasons to Visit Marseille Must See List
Navette Maritime
ExploreGuest Post

It’s Back! La Navette Maritime or Batobus

…as it used to be known, comes back into service for the season on Saturday 23rd April. Boats start at Marseille’s Vieux Port and take 100 passengers to either Pointe Rouge or L’Estaque. Each journey takes about half an hour and last year cost 5 euros. You get great views …

READ MORE  It’s Back! La Navette Maritime or Batobus
Monaco Monte Carlo French Riviera
ExploreGinger and Nutmeg

Monaco Grand Prix

Twenty-three Formula One (F1) cars, 800 horsepower V-8 engines spooling, it’s the start of the Monaco Grand Prix (GP).  Within the confines of the city of Monte Carlo, the towering hills a natural amphitheatre, magnify the sound of the race circuit. The idiosyncrasies of the Monaco GP circuit truly test …

READ MORE  Monaco Grand Prix
Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins @AccessRiviera
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursRebecca Whitlocke

Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: The French Riviera has some amazing old buildings ranging from palace hotels along the Croisette in Cannes, to Belle Époque mansions in Cap Ferrat and Art Deco apartments lining the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. For a while now, I’ve been intending to look …

READ MORE  Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins