Le Mistral Map
Barefoot BloggerExplore

A Blustery Wind in Provence Le Mistral

Living in the south of France is a beautiful thing. Except for the wind. It is so prevalent and so powerful that it has a name: “Le Mistral” Residents of Uzes have a saying about Le Mistral: “It sometimes lasts only one or two days, frequently lasts several days, and …

READ MORE  A Blustery Wind in Provence Le Mistral
Cevennes Saint Jean du Gard
Barefoot BloggerExploreRoad Trips South of France

Road Trip to The Cevennes: Saint Jean du Gard

I’ve never visited the Cevennes other than in Autumn, but it’s definitely the time and the place to go. Especially on a Tuesday. It’s market day in Saint Jean du Gard. The mountainous town of Saint Jean du Gaud history dates back to the twelfth century when monks from the Abbey …

READ MORE  Road Trip to The Cevennes: Saint Jean du Gard
Wine Holidays l'Occasion Gift Guide
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine Wrapped Up for the Holidays: The L’Occasion Gift Guide

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: This time of year brings forth memories of Christmases that I’ve experienced and also, of Christmases that I’ve created in my imagination, fueled by narratives told and retold – a history of the way things should be. …Continue reading here for Jill’s wine post – …

READ MORE  Wine Wrapped Up for the Holidays: The L’Occasion Gift Guide
Tarascon Castle Provence
ExploreGinger and NutmegProvencal History & Traditions

Reasons to Visit Tarascon a Castle and a Monster in Provence

The Heart of Darkness or Niger Focus (later Nerluc) might have been an appropriate name for the hamlet located on the shores of a murky, swampy river. The muddy, opaque waters fueled rumours cultivating the nightmares of residents who asked was the beast: A huge serpent? A dragon? A fierce …

READ MORE  Reasons to Visit Tarascon a Castle and a Monster in Provence
Christmas Traditions Markets Aix-en-Provence
Caroline LongstaffeMarkets in Provence and Cote d'Azur

Christmas Traditions and the Markets of Provence

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: It’s December in Provence, snow has already sprinkled its magic across the villages and as the nights draw in and daylights fades each day, a bitter chill drapes itself like a frozen mantle across the dark golden, sprawling vineyards. By early December in Provence …

READ MORE  Christmas Traditions and the Markets of Provence
Pumpkin Jerusalem Artichoke Soup
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesSoupTaste

Pumpkin and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with a Dash of Clementine

This is the perfect flavour-packed soup to brighten up your mood on a rainy or cold winters day. The fruity and brightly coloured pumpkin combines really well with the earthy taste of the Jerusalem Artichoke, while the hint of clementine juice cuts through it all with it’s pretty acidity.

READ MORE  Pumpkin and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with a Dash of Clementine
Discover Orgon Village Alpilles views
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Discover Historic Orgon the Charming Village Beyond the N7

Orgon is a Provencal town with a reputation problem. To appreciate the town’s history and its dramatic natural backdrop, on the edge of the Alpilles, you need to veer off the Route Nationale 7 (N7) and stroll through the old streets to discover the charms of Orgon. Steady vehicle traffic …

READ MORE  Discover Historic Orgon the Charming Village Beyond the N7
Provence Christmas Story
ExploreMargo LestzProvencal History & Traditions

The Provence Christmas Story a Tale of the Santons

You may know the traditional Biblical Christmas story, but in Provence, there is a bit more to it. The Provence Christmas story is told in a Nativity play called a pastorale. It incorporates the main details of the traditional Nativity but sets it in a nineteenth-century Provençal village. …Continue reading here …

READ MORE  The Provence Christmas Story a Tale of the Santons
Mandarin Cardamon infused Almond Cake
Cakes & CookiesChristmas & HolidayDessertMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal Recipes

Mandarin and Cardamon Infused Almond Cake

A delicious and colourful cake full of the flavours of Christmas markets, perfect with tea to brighten up a cold day, or as a light and joyful desert after a nice meal. It’s not only easy to make with very standard ingredients it also keeps very nicely for a few days, as the infusion of Mandarin and Cardamon syrup keeps it perfectly moist and preserved

READ MORE  Mandarin and Cardamon Infused Almond Cake