Chef François de Mélogue Cuisine of the Sun, A Ray of Sunshine on Your Plate
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Provencal Cuisine of the Sun by Chef François de Mélogue

Provencal Cuisine ‘Cuisine of the Sun, A Ray of Sunshine on Your Plate,’ the first cookbook by Chef François de Mélogue, wraps you in a culinary bear hug. The book is seductive, filled with beautiful photography that will make you hungry. Even if you just ate. You need to have …

READ MORE  Provencal Cuisine of the Sun by Chef François de Mélogue
Provence Books Kids Fun Reads
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Provence Books for Kids Where Magic Starts in France

Provence Reads for Children The pages of these books are geared towards sparking your imagination and desire to travel to Provence. Whether you are a kid, the authors have crafted stories with enough interest for adult readers. NOTE: Click on the book images to order your copy. Affiliate Statement: Please …

READ MORE  Provence Books for Kids Where Magic Starts in France
Malpasset Dam Tragedy park
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

A Visit to Frejus to Understand the Malpasset Dam Tragedy

Located just a few kilometres from the French Riviera coast and the city of Frejus are the striking remains of the Malpasset Dam. This river barrier, completed in 1954, was a substantial post-war infrastructure project. However, the structure failed on the night of December 2, 1959, less than five years …

READ MORE  A Visit to Frejus to Understand the Malpasset Dam Tragedy
October Yoga Retreat Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

October Yoga Retreat in Provence it’s La Belle Vie

Yoga and Gourmet Food in Provence Does that sound too good to be true? Then book your spot for La Belle Vie Yoga Retreat (October 12-18, 2018) combines a talented group of yoga instructors, experienced foodies, and a beautiful venue, into a magical Provencal experience for the first time. All levels …

READ MORE  October Yoga Retreat in Provence it’s La Belle Vie
Destination Antibes French Riviera View Old Town
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Destination Antibes and Nice: Three Nights on the Côte d’Azur

Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas Provence anymore. Getting out of the car in Antibes, I encountered a touch of humidity and crowds in the streets. Cliché perhaps, but I had driven just over two (2) hours to the Côte d’Azur. This town was a different part of Provence than the one …

READ MORE  Destination Antibes and Nice: Three Nights on the Côte d’Azur
Death in Provence Serena Kent
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Death in Provence by Serena Kent a Book Review

Writing a book is hard enough, but writing one with your spouse, well apparently that is a recipe for success. Death in Provence is Serena Kent’s first novel. The nom-de-plume is perfect for a couple who split time between the Luberon in Provence and Kent in the United Kingdom. After work …

READ MORE  Death in Provence by Serena Kent a Book Review
Author Patricia Sands Photographer
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence

One of my summer highlights is the chance to catch up with author Patricia Sands during her annual visit to Provence. Sands is a remarkable person. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, photographer and a possiblitarian. Yes, for Patricia Sands, it is possible to achieve anything in life if …

READ MORE  Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence
Merindol Massacre Luberon Provence History
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Understanding The Merindol Massacre and Provence’s Dark Religious History 

Plenty of villages in the Luberon Valley lay claim to les plus beaux villages de France (the most beautiful villages in France), and many of those proudly display Villages Fleuris (flowering villages) emblems on local street signs. Enchanted by weather-worn scenes of charming hilltop hamlets and gently numbed by a glass of …

READ MORE  Understanding The Merindol Massacre and Provence’s Dark Religious History 
Provence Holiday Home Owner Pool shot les Vallons
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Provence Holiday Home Owner Shares Her Luberon Lifestyle

Diving into Provence Ten years after Peter Mayle’s book “A Year in Provence” was published, Georgina Causton and her partner decided to spend a sabbatical year (1999) in Provence. Completely enchanted by the lifestyle in the South of France they never returned to live in London. Suddenly, they found themselves …

READ MORE  Provence Holiday Home Owner Shares Her Luberon Lifestyle
Photographer Camille Moirenc Exposition 438
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspirePhotographers in Provence

Exposition 438 Photographer Camille Moirenc and the Provencal Coastline

Provencal Coastline Images Even a photographer born in Provence, Camille Moirenc, a South of France native who has spent 30 years photographing the region and has published the same number of books, was surprised at the math. His most ambitious project to date might be “Exposition 438, Notre Littoral” a …

READ MORE  Exposition 438 Photographer Camille Moirenc and the Provencal Coastline