
A Year in Provence in Four Acts

Contributor blog post by Bill Magill:

We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Much is written on the merits of eating locally and seasonally. I’m a fan and advocate, and adopting this practice in Provence is easy and immensely pleasurable. The benefits of adapting to seasonal changes extend well beyond an evolving dinner plate, however. Acknowledging that we’re in the month of October, not May, and cooking and eating accordingly encourages us to consider nature and our environment; it inspires respect and empathy for the earth’s bounty and limits. In the age of hyper connectivity and globalized availability – Blueberries in December? No problem! – we lose this appreciation and are the worse for it.

Continue reading here to find out why Bill appreciates the seasons and dynamic weather of Provence.

Strawberries #Provence @BillMagill

While you are reading about the seasons in Provence here are Bill’s suggestions for music and beverages:

Suggested song: Woodstock, Joni Mitchell (this is the CSN&Y rendition I love)
Suggested drink: Harvest Bell Lemonade, organic vodka, lemonade, basil, lemon slice, simple syrup


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Colourful autumn garden in Provence

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Pétanque Provence’s Other Religion

Bill Magill

Bill is a reformed Silicon Valley venture investor, now living simply in Aix-en-Provence. He is fascinated with the notions of self-realization and how we flourish; of personal worth as opposed to acquired wealth. Bill’s blog Postcards from a Runaway is a sounding board for the questions we all face when abandoning convention and conformity for a deeper, more meaningful experience. Provence is a perfect setting for this reset and adjustment.

Bill founded the Interprize® Group in 2013 and offers workshops in Provence to accelerate one’s grand life ambitions. The program is modelled on his many years supporting startup activity on 3 continents, as a Wall Street analyst and venture capitalist, and now professor of entrepreneurship at INSEAD. This is coupled with emerging concepts of positive psychology, wellness, and self-realization to enable interpreneurs who are energized, thinking creatively, and piloting their own futures.

Bill has pursued numerous interpreneurial activities since abandoning his core career. In addition to founding the Interprize Group , his first book – Postcards from a Runaway – was published in 2014 and a second album of original music – Last Night at the Ha Ra – was released in 2013.

Bill’s Postcards from a Runaway blog can be found here. His Interprize Group website can be found here and Group Facebook page here

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