Drink Provence Rosé Wine
Guest PostTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Why You Should Drink Only Provencal Rose Wines This Summer

Oh, the rosé wine! The delectable wine with a refined and light taste! The perfect one to swirl in with your tongue along with robust food! Whether you plan on having it alone or with food, you will fall in love with the taste. Once you come out of the …

READ MORE  Why You Should Drink Only Provencal Rose Wines This Summer
Wines of Provence Rhone Valley
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wines of Provence Understanding the Colours and Terminology

“The Allure of Provence and its Wines” was previously published in Culinaire Magazine (June 2016). This updated article includes additional reading, travel tips, and details on wine colour production and terminology. Mention Provence to a friend and they likely have a mental image that involves cobalt skies, cicadas and lavender …

READ MORE  Wines of Provence Understanding the Colours and Terminology
Provence Rosé Research Centre
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

The Provence Rosé Research Center Helps the Global Wine Industry

Provençal rosé—and rosé in general—has been riding a popularity wave in recent years. While there are instances of trendy lifestyle marketing involved, many rosés are wines of quality, made by winemakers of skill and terroir of distinction. Behind them lies a secret weapon, hidden in an unassuming coral-coloured building with green shutters: The Center for Rosé …

READ MORE  The Provence Rosé Research Center Helps the Global Wine Industry
Domaine Henri Milan
Ashley TinkerTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Sipping in St Remy Sampling Orange Wine by Domaine Henri Milan

Natural Wine Trend If you’re not currently living in London, New York, Paris or Japan you may not have heard of orange wine or even biodynamic wine for that matter. We were first introduced to this type of wine five (5) years ago, while living in London, at the Terroir biodynamic …

READ MORE  Sipping in St Remy Sampling Orange Wine by Domaine Henri Milan
Le Château Constantin Wines Lourmarin Luberon
Caroline LongstaffeTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Le Château Constantin Wines a Family Vineyard near Lourmarin

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: Many people dream of owning a winery; a romantic illusion of strolling through carefully tended vines sharing your vintages within the shadows of a sprawling château, which for me would have to be in Provence. Of course, dreams like this seldom come true, such …

READ MORE  Le Château Constantin Wines a Family Vineyard near Lourmarin
Chêne Bleu Extreme Wine La Verrière @perfectlyprovence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Chêne Bleu Extreme Wine Skills Improvement in Provence

This article “Immersed in Wine” was previously published in Sommelier India (October-November, 2015). Sommelier India is India’s first and premier magazine dedicated to wine and wine lovers. Filled with news, feature articles, wine profiles and the culture surrounding wine, Sommelier India is written by international and Indian writers, wine experts and …

READ MORE  Chêne Bleu Extreme Wine Skills Improvement in Provence
Le Petit Bistrot Aix-en-Provence
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Le Petit Bistrot – Restaurant et Bar à Vin in Aix-en-Provence

It was a surprise when ‘Happy Days’, the café in the corner of Place Richelme was demolished before Christmas; it always seemed busy. But now Le Petit Bistrot is in its place and it is a delightful place to have a petit dej’, coffee or hot chocolate.Wide choice of wines, …

READ MORE  Le Petit Bistrot – Restaurant et Bar à Vin in Aix-en-Provence
Ladies Wine France dames-de-coeur-de-loire @JillBarth
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

The Ladies of Wine. Learn How French Women Collaborate in the Wine Industry

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: Women are under-represented in the wine industry – collaboration groups offer remedies. There is a movement in the French wine industry, one in which winemakers and associated pros are considered keepers of the culture. Women across the country – from Champagne to Provence and Bordeaux …

READ MORE  The Ladies of Wine. Learn How French Women Collaborate in the Wine Industry
Rosé Revolution Book Elizabeth Gabay MW
Books on ProvenceInspireThe Riviera Grapevine

The Rosé Revelation a New Book on Wine

Writing a book about rosé taught Elizabeth Gabay MW that pink is defined by more than Provence. In case you haven’t noticed, the world is in the midst of a rosé revolution. The young and flirty alternative to red and white wine, the pink drink is the toast of summer …

READ MORE  The Rosé Revelation a New Book on Wine
Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’
Books on ProvenceElizabeth GabayInspire

New Wine Book! Behind the Scenes of ‘Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’

So excited! After a year of rosé discovery, my book Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution, part of the Classic Wine Library, is out and will be available from 15 January. Back in October 2016, when first discussing the idea of writing a book on rosé, I thought I understood …

READ MORE  New Wine Book! Behind the Scenes of ‘Rosé: Understanding the pink wine revolution’