Alpilles Essentials Top 10 Villages and More Provence
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How are you Going to Experience Provence? Be our Guest

It would be difficult to call Emily Durand an expat at this stage. After living in the South of France for more than two decades, Emily is wholly immersed in the region with her family. Once the kids reached school age, she decided it was her time to launch a …

READ MORE  How are you Going to Experience Provence? Be our Guest
September Events
Ashley TinkerExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

September Events in Provence 2017

Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: August is a quiet month in Provence where everyone believes it to be their right to do absolutely nothing (farniente) that requires any energy (other than catching up with friends, sunbathing by the pool or on the beach) In September, there are plenty of festivals …

READ MORE  September Events in Provence 2017
Lunch in Provence @TableenProvence
Paula KaneTaste

Ladies Who Lunch in Provence

September is a spectacular month in Provence. Often it’s sunny and warm—without the scorching summer heat—with blue skies and nights that are cool and refreshing. The days are shorter and the leaves on the vines start to change. It’s also when most of my friends arrive back after avoiding the …

READ MORE  Ladies Who Lunch in Provence
Fall bounty @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

September Harvest

The mornings are crisp all of a sudden. The days are still hot. The harvest, of just about everything, is in full swing. I went for a walk and followed the smell of a skip full to the brim of grape skins before I stepped into the leaking juice running …

READ MORE  September Harvest
September Wine Events #FrenchRiviera @RivieraGrape
TasteThe Riviera GrapevineWines and Spirits of Provence

September Wine Events on the French Riviera

September is always a busy time in the wine world! It’s harvest time! To accompany the very important business of creating a new vintage, September traditionally sees various wonderful wine events and festivals to participate in. Here is a selection of my top Super September wine events on the French …

READ MORE  September Wine Events on the French Riviera
Ashley TinkerWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

September Events in Provence

The bull running, local village fêtes, pastis and rosé drinking aren’t slowing down just yet. Here is my selection of the many events going on this month, primarily in the Bouches du Rhône region of Provence. As you can see, I’ve favoured village festivities because these are the hardest to …

READ MORE  September Events in Provence