A Visit to Naturellement Paysan Farmers Cooperative Shop in Coustellet
Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: I recently participated in a cooking class held by Jean Marc Villard of French Cuisine cooking classes in Maubec. Jean Marc, passionate about local produce, started the class by taking us to Naturellement Paysan, the local farmers cooperative in Coustellet. …Continue reading here for details …
Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: I recently participated in a cooking class held by Jean Marc Villard of French Cuisine cooking classes in Maubec. Jean Marc, passionate about local produce, started the class by taking us to Naturellement Paysan, the local farmers cooperative in Coustellet. …Continue reading here for details …

A perfectly Quirky Coffee Stop in Coustellet
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: I make no bones about it – I love a good coffee stop and La Vie en Rose at Coustellet has to be one of my favourites. The tea shop isn’t exactly in a perfect location as it’s situated on the side of the road just …
Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: I make no bones about it – I love a good coffee stop and La Vie en Rose at Coustellet has to be one of my favourites. The tea shop isn’t exactly in a perfect location as it’s situated on the side of the road just …