Amusing Stories of Expat Living in France
Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker:
Expat Living in France
Here are just a few anecdotes from the last month of my life in France as I try to navigate where I come from and where I live now.
Hamburger Shame
I ate at a hamburger restaurant in Avignon (link below) a few weeks ago. They only sell hamburgers. Quite delicious ones actually. I was at a table of English speakers, all Europeans except for one American and my Canadian self. When my delicious hamburger arrived, I daintily cut it in half and proceeded to pick it up with my hands.
…Continue reading here for some of Ashley’s amusing expat stories about working outs, mountains of French paperwork and much more.
Need a burger fix in Avignon?
Le Potard
19/21 Place de la Principale
84 000 AVIGNON
Tel:+33 (0)4 90 82 34 19
Via:: Curious Provence
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