House Renovating Lourmarin @ShutrsandSunflowers
Caroline Longstaffe

The Challenges of House Renovating in Provence

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe Don’t you ever wonder when you ask your friends how they are and they always say ‘wonderful’? Really, always wonderful, no-one’s life is wonderful all of the time, is it? I know I’m a sharer, I write a blog after all and admittedly I mostly write about …

READ MORE  The Challenges of House Renovating in Provence
Merry Christmas Perfectly Provence 2017

Merry Christmas – Joyeux Noël from the Writers at Perfectly Provence

Wishing you a Perfectly Provence Holiday The holidays are finally upon us with the stockings hung by the fire and another year of terrific Perfectly Provence content is behind us. It is time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for a joyful season. However, before we …

READ MORE  Merry Christmas – Joyeux Noël from the Writers at Perfectly Provence
Expat Living Lourmarin Provence
Caroline LongstaffeLiving in Provence

Expat Living in Lourmarin Our House in Provence

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: Back in March I wrote about the excitement of returning somewhere special, to Lourmarin, quoting from Daphne du Maurier’s ‘Rebecca’ “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” I also mentioned that I had an appointment with a real estate agent…. A great deal has happened since then, but …

READ MORE  Expat Living in Lourmarin Our House in Provence
Christmas Traditions Markets Aix-en-Provence
Caroline LongstaffeMarkets in Provence and Cote d'Azur

Christmas Traditions and the Markets of Provence

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaffe: It’s December in Provence, snow has already sprinkled its magic across the villages and as the nights draw in and daylights fades each day, a bitter chill drapes itself like a frozen mantle across the dark golden, sprawling vineyards. By early December in Provence …

READ MORE  Christmas Traditions and the Markets of Provence
Book Review Drawing Lessons
Books on ProvenceInspire

Book Review Drawing Lessons by Patricia Sands a Journey in Provence

Lunch with a girlfriend is always a treat, but the chance to visit with Patricia Sands twice during her stay in Provence was a gift. On the first occasion, we met at Cuisine de Comptoir, in Arles, a down-to-earth restaurant that serves tartines (open face sandwiches) on pain Poilâne (a …

READ MORE  Book Review Drawing Lessons by Patricia Sands a Journey in Provence
Provence During Autumn Emotional Escapes
ExploreGuest Post

So Many Things to do in Provence During Autumn

Originally published on Emotional Escapes Blog: Being in Provence during Autumn is magical. Nature and landscapes always change. Just for the pleasure of the eyes, for your feed Instagram or for the photo album memories, where you can find the field of lavender or poppies, the deserted beach, the flamingos …

READ MORE  So Many Things to do in Provence During Autumn
Provence Lifestyle Biking Keith Van Sickle
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLiving in Provence

Why Choose Provence Lifestyle? Experiences by Author Keith Van Sickle

Welcome to the first in a series of articles based on Provence lifestyle. These posts are an attempt to separate fact from fiction and dig into what it means to live in Provence. To discover more we ask a series of questions to understand why some people choose to visit …

READ MORE  Why Choose Provence Lifestyle? Experiences by Author Keith Van Sickle
Sunflowers Fields Provence
ExploreOur House in Provence

Sunflower Fields are Special Places of Beauty in Provence

Contributor blog post by Michel: Friday, July 21, and we were on the road to find a good vantage point to watch the Tour de France near Lauris. As we drove toward the town of Orange to get on the A-7 autoroute, we came upon a huge field of sunflowers. …

READ MORE  Sunflower Fields are Special Places of Beauty in Provence
Purple Lavender Luberon Provence
Cheryl ShufflebothamExplore

Where to See a Sea of Purple Lavender in the Luberon

The words lavender and Provence are synonymous. Yes, lavender embodies the very essence of Provence. Isn’t it true that when one imagines Provence, it’s fields of lavender as far as the eye can see that come to mind? Sunflowers too? Yet, the lavender season is short. So when can you …

READ MORE  Where to See a Sea of Purple Lavender in the Luberon
Caroline Longstaffe Sunflower Field Novel
Books on ProvenceInspire

The Sunflower Field a Novel set in World War II Provence

Inspired by her expat experiences in the South of France, Caroline Longstaffe began writing her blog “Shutters and Sunflowers” in 2012. Her stories transport you from the United States to Provence, with the occasional dispatch from the United Kingdom. Longstaffe’s articles, provide readers with well-researched “Travel Tips from an English …

READ MORE  The Sunflower Field a Novel set in World War II Provence