Visit Aubagne ARGILLA 2017
InspireShopping & Gifts

Visit Aubagne for ARGILLA 2017 to Explore the Ceramics Artists

In early August, Aubagne will once again host ARGILLA the biennial marketplace for ceramics artists. Each year a country is selected as the thematic focus of the event, this year it is Spain. The 14th edition of this international pottery market and festival opens to the public on August 5th and …

READ MORE  Visit Aubagne for ARGILLA 2017 to Explore the Ceramics Artists
Aston Martin D811 Scenic Drives Close Monaco
ExploreRoad Trips South of France

3 of the Most Scenic Drives Close to Monaco

Monaco is truly blessed when it comes to its climate and location. These two factors combined create some of the most aesthetically-pleasing scenery in the world with verdant vegetation atop hills and craggy rock faces. It is the gateway to the French Riviera and Provence, whose scenic roads have been …

READ MORE  3 of the Most Scenic Drives Close to Monaco
Vaison-la-Romaine Market Roman ruins @OurhouseinProvence
Markets in Provence and Cote d'AzurOur House in ProvenceTaste

Provence Must-do the Vaison-la-Romaine Market on Tuesdays

The only days that are reserved in our calendar before we get to Sablet are Tuesdays. Tuesday is when the weekly market the Marché Provencal takes place in the center of Vaison-la-Romaine. We usually go regardless of the weather rain or shine. Although, the latter is definitely more fun. Since …

READ MORE  Provence Must-do the Vaison-la-Romaine Market on Tuesdays
Roussillon Provence Luberon
ExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Roussillon – A Very Colorful Day in Provence

The Village of Roussillon “Une Journée Très Colorée”… The village of Roussillon is a tiny village filled with cafés and galleries selling pottery, art, and souvenirs.  It is a quaint little village perched on top of hillside, painted hues of orange, yellow and reds to match the nearby ochre mines.  …

READ MORE  Roussillon – A Very Colorful Day in Provence
Aix-en-Provence Roman Road
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence

It’s so fascinating that every time people start digging in Aix, they come up with remains from Roman times. And the latest to be uncovered is 50 metres of a road near to the hospital. There is to be a new car park for the hospital and a bus lane …

READ MORE  More Roman Road Uncovered in Aix en Provence
Gout et Voyage Luberon Weekend Travel Tips
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style

Martine Bertin-Peterson is intrepid; she had a window of 90 minutes of “downtime” between her back-to-back tour groups, yet she agreed to meet me for a glass of rosé. Beneath the walls of the immense Palais des Papes in Avignon, we chatted about her food and wine excursions in Provence. …

READ MORE  How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style
Street to center of old Uzès #Uzes @OurHouseinProvence
ExploreOur House in ProvenceRoad Trips South of France

Return to Uzès, the first Duché of France

Contributor blog post by Michel: There are towns and villages we happily visit time and again which is good because our friends are getting to know the Vaucluse and surrounding area almost as well as we do. So it was an easy decision last fall to drive to Uzès; we love …

READ MORE  Return to Uzès, the first Duché of France
Pottery in Montpellier Ateliers Saint Roch
InspireJulie WhitmarshShopping & Gifts

Visiting a Potter in Montpellier

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Anyone who really knows me will say I’m not really a city person. I’ve always lived in small villages or on the edge of small market towns and although I enjoy spending the odd day in a large town or city – I usually can’t …

READ MORE  Visiting a Potter in Montpellier
Provence Getaway Gorges du Verdon
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Provence Getaway Gorges du Verdon and Beyond

After several centuries, cascades of turquoise water carved a 20km limestone canyon known as the Gorges du Verdon, which became part of the protected Parc Naturel Régional du Verdon in 1997. The Verdon River flows 166km from its source in the Alps to Lac St Croix engraving the sheer rock …

READ MORE  Provence Getaway Gorges du Verdon and Beyond
Christmas Markets #AixenProvence
Guest PostMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Market for International Twin Towns

This is unmissable! If you are new to Aix, make sure you go along to this special market when people from our twin towns come together to offer their food and regional products for Christmas treats and presents. Expect lots of German foodstuffs and wine, Portugese and Italian pottery.

READ MORE  Market for International Twin Towns