Biographies Provence Books Reading List

Quick Guides for Travel in Provence

Perfectly Provence is an essential website resource for visitors and residents alike. Consider us your concierge, with an address book of places we have tried, visited and recommend. You are in the right place if you plan to explore the South of France and the French Riviera. Click the links …

READ MORE  Quick Guides for Travel in Provence
St Remy Windows

Perfectly Provence Newsletters

Join our newsletter subscriber list to receive a “taste of Provence” twice a month. When you sign up, you receive a free copy of our latest seasonal menu for culinary inspiration. Our newsletters highlight articles from these categories – Explore, Taste, Stay and Inspire. Sign up for our newsletter Explore …

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Comfort Food Roast Chicken with lemon rosemary saffron Sunday Suppers
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Comfort Food Roast Chicken for Dinner

Sometimes life is just too complicated, too busy and too connected. Those are the moments when you crave comfort food, family-style dining and meals with friends. This roast chicken is cooked with saffron, rosemary and lemon. I served it with roasted potatoes and peas for a simple Sunday dinner. And …

READ MORE  Comfort Food Roast Chicken for Dinner
Spring Events in Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2020

Spring Events in Provence Spring in Provence is adorable. As with most of the year, the sun shines brightly, but expect the odd rainstorm. Moisture in this period is critical for the grapes, olives, and almonds to start their growing cycles. Expect to see the apple, pear, apricot, cherry, and …

READ MORE  Spring Events in Provence Discover What’s On 2020
Le Train Bleu Paris
ExploreJ. Christina

Le Train Bleu Paris the French Riviera Connection

Luxury Travel French Riviera During the height of the Jazz Age, the wealthy and affluent made the French Riviera their playground along with resort towns on the Mediterranean coastline. Their sojourn would begin at Paris’s Gare de Lyon train station, where the luxury night train, Le Train Bleu, wound its …

READ MORE  Le Train Bleu Paris the French Riviera Connection
Guides Discovering Secret Provence
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Guides to Discovering Secret Provence and the French Riviera

Local Author and Guide Jean-Pierre Cassely is a recognizable public figure in Provence and beyond. Cassely worked for France 3 television for a decade and currently has a daily France-Bleu Provence radio slot called Provence Insolite (Unusual Provence). More recently, Jean-Pierre Cassely collected curious landmarks in two guidebooks Secret Provence and …

READ MORE  Guides to Discovering Secret Provence and the French Riviera
Fete du Citron Menton
InspireJulie WhitmarshWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

February Fun on the Cote D’Azur Nice Carnaval and Fête du Citron

Nice Carnaval In February 2018, for the first time, we found ourselves at Nice Carnaval – it probably sounds really awful, but we hadn’t really planned to go, only noticing it was on whilst we were planning a trip to the Fête du Citron at Menton for our wedding anniversary …

READ MORE  February Fun on the Cote D’Azur Nice Carnaval and Fête du Citron
Winter in Provence Events Calendar La Rotonde Christmas Aix-en-Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & GiftsWhat's On Provence & Cote d'AzurWinter in Provence

Winter in Provence Events Calendar 2020

Winter Festivals and Events in Provence What is winter like in Provence? It’s a good question. So, many images of the South of France are summer scenes; ribbons of blooming lavender fields, glasses of rosé with beads of condensation and beautiful people in enjoying their holidays. Perhaps wintertime in Provence garners less …

READ MORE  Winter in Provence Events Calendar 2020
Edith Wharton's French Riviera Book Review
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

A Book to Read Edith Wharton’s French Riviera

The following is my review of Edith Wharton’s French Riviera, by Philippe Collas and Eric Villedary, and translated from the French by Susan Pickford.  The French title of the book was La Côte d’Azur au Temps d’Edith Wharton. Flammarion, Paris 2002. French Riviera Images When one dreams of Provence and …

READ MORE  A Book to Read Edith Wharton’s French Riviera
Visit Provence Beaux Villages Provence Villages Les Plus Beaux Villages de France Logo
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France

There’s a new obsession running around in my head: “visit as many of France’s ‘Les Plus Beaux Villages‘ as I possibly can.”  So far, I’ve seen only 10 out of some 156 “authentic” Les Plus Beaux Villages. I have a lot of travelling to do. Les Plus Beaux Villages There …

READ MORE  A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France