Cucuron Market Luberon Markets Provence
Ginger and NutmegMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Cucuron Market Day Photos

Market day in Cucuron is Tuesday. Located in the epic-centre of the Luberon Regional National Park Cucuron displays all the charms of a classic Provençal village. The hamlet, like its closest neighbours Lourmarin, Ansouis and Vaugines are bejewelled with ramparts, bell towers and shady plane trees. All the villages in …

READ MORE  Cucuron Market Day Photos
Markets of Provence book guide Marjorie Williams
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Exploring the Markets of Provence with Marjorie Williams

According to Wikipedia, York, Pennsylvania is known as the White Rose City a place with so many well-preserved buildings that it is considered an “architectural museum.” Marjorie Williams has recently published her second book Markets of Provence we asked her how growing up in York gave her an appreciation for shopping …

READ MORE  Exploring the Markets of Provence with Marjorie Williams
Lavender l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque Provence @ShutrsSunflowrs
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel TipsRoad Trips South of France

Provence Travel Tips from Caroline Longstaffe

Recently, we introduced you to Shutters and Sunflowers, a blog about the Provencal landscape and many other things that inspire Caroline Longstaffe to write. Please read the full story here. The Longstaffe family lived in Provence for about 18 months in 2012-13 and were smitten. We asked Caroline if she …

READ MORE  Provence Travel Tips from Caroline Longstaffe
Sunflowers Provencal Landscape @ShutrsSunflowrs
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Shutters and Sunflowers the Provencal Landscape

Admittedly, it would be a tough choice for anyone to pick between, between the lush gardens of the UK, the sunny skies of California and postcard perfect Provence. Caroline Longstaffe’s solution was to start writing a blog Shutters and Sunflowers her artistic outlet for west coast beauty, British heritage and …

READ MORE  Shutters and Sunflowers the Provencal Landscape
Fall photos of #Provence @BfBlogger2015
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Fall … In Love With Provence

The Barefoot Blogger’s mid-week drive into Provence inspired some stunning photos to share. This time of year brings out my very favorite colors in the crayon box. Plane trees along the drive into Provence   Outside Lourmarin …Continue reading here for more wonderful fall photos of Provence.

READ MORE  Fall … In Love With Provence
Views from Les Baux de Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Top Locals Tips from Three Provencal Artists

Famous artists such as Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso and Van Gogh captured the “painter’s light” and the stunning, natural beauty of Provence. Recently, we featured three talented artists based in the South of France a region that continues to inspire and bolster their creative confidence. In case you missed their stories, …

READ MORE  Top Locals Tips from Three Provencal Artists
Tasha Powell Cooking with a French Twist
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel TipsRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Foodie Tasha Powell Shares Her Perfectly Provence

Tasha Powell says she reinvented herself after a corporate career in product development for sporting goods. That might not be entirely accurate. It could be that Tasha is finally allowing her Francophile foodie to rule the day. From Allentown, Pennsylvania and Penn State University to living in Provence while she …

READ MORE  Foodie Tasha Powell Shares Her Perfectly Provence
The Modern Trobadors @ModernTrobador #Provence Tour
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Meander Provence with Modern Trobadors Tours

The Modern Trobadors may travel through Provence with iDevices and digital cameras, but their goal is similar to their medieval brethren to share news about this diverse corner of France. Now, you can join them on a bespoke tour of Provence in 2016. Medieval troubadours were poets and musicians who …

READ MORE  Meander Provence with Modern Trobadors Tours
The Food Stylist’s Handbook
Guest PostTaste

Food Styling Course in Provence

A couple of years ago, I met Tasha Anne Powell, a Californian foodie at my painting class. She was doing a stage at a gourmet restaurant in Lourmarin, loving it and loving Provence. Since going home to Manhattan Beach, she has been working as a food stylist and is facilitating …

READ MORE  Food Styling Course in Provence
Calanque En Vau Calanques Provence
Carolyne Kauser-Abbott

Discovering Provence as Retired Expat

Journalist/Writer Anne-Marie Simons and her husband Oscar (retired international banker) have lived and worked in the US and Europe. They could have chosen anywhere to retire but decided on sunny Aix-en-Provence. Anne-Marie says, “Our choice of Aix-en-Provence was a bit of a stab in the dark but has worked out …

READ MORE  Discovering Provence as Retired Expat