Marseille MuCEM View
French Decor & GardensGuest PostInspire

Contemporary Architecture in the South of France

Provence is rich in history. Visitors to the region are often interested in seeing ancient Roman ruins like those in St-Remy-de-Provence. But there are many places where you can find contemporary architecture in the south of France. Read below as we highlight some locations where you can find the works …

READ MORE  Contemporary Architecture in the South of France
Marseille Resaons Visit View Chateau d'If

Visitor Guide Bouches du Rhône Highlights

Bouches du Rhône Department Like other departments, the Bouches du Rhône combines large urban centres and unspoilt countryside. Visible traces of Roman history weave throughout the region, which is one of many reasons to visit Arles and its monuments. Beautiful Aix-en-Provence and seaside Marseille, the second-largest city in France after …

READ MORE  Visitor Guide Bouches du Rhône Highlights
Provence Family Vacation Alpilles
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Alpilles Provence Family Vacations Fun Ideas for Kids

Those iconic images of rows of lavender, fields of sunflowers and bright red poppies, Roman ruins and cobblestone villages are beautiful landscapes of Provence but not likely to interest your children for long. Family Vacation in Provence Whenever friends visit the Alpilles with their families, it has been our experience …

READ MORE  Alpilles Provence Family Vacations Fun Ideas for Kids
Why Visit Aigues-Mortes
ExploreOur House in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Why Visit Aigues-Mortes the Old Mediterranean Port

It had been quite a few years since we visited Aigues-Mortes, so when cousin Jean-Marc suggested we go somewhere on the sea, I suggested we go there. I still recall the first time we went to Aigues-Mortes, years before buying our house in Sablet, with Tante Edith, Jean-Marc’s mother. Aigues-Mortes …

READ MORE  Why Visit Aigues-Mortes the Old Mediterranean Port
Experience Provence Lavender Fields Join TripUSAFrance Tours
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Join TripUSAFrance Tours for Lavender, Medieval Cities, Roman Sites

Make this your year to visit Provence’s celebrated lavender fields! The earthy fragrance fills the air as rows of deep purple flowers dance in the summer breeze towards the horizon. Experience the region’s famous lavender plateaus and visit many remarkable sites in the South of France on a TripUSAFrance nine …

READ MORE  Join TripUSAFrance Tours for Lavender, Medieval Cities, Roman Sites
Family-Friendly Holidays Provence Transhumance
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Provencal Traditions and 8 Lamb Recipes to Try

Raising sheep and goats has been part of the fabric of life in Provence for centuries. Before grocery stores, small animal husbandry was necessary for nutrition and is the basis for traditional recipes. We highlight eight (8) of these dishes further down in this article. Grazing Land In a landscape …

READ MORE  Provencal Traditions and 8 Lamb Recipes to Try
Provencal Beef Stew
BeefLet’s Eat the WorldMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Gardiane de Taureau Provencal Beef or Bull Stew

Are you looking for winter comfort food? This French meat stew makes a cold day a little warmer. Gardiane de Taureau, or gardianne, is also known as a daube camarguaise or daube des gardians. Our recipe for this traditional Provencal stew includes marinaded, slow-cooked meat from the black bulls (taureaux) …

READ MORE  Gardiane de Taureau Provencal Beef or Bull Stew
The Birdwatcher's Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

The Birdwatcher’s Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett

Retired and living in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence since 2011, even after a decade, Gayle Smith Padgett and her hubby Ralph continue their exploration of the region. In 2019, they embarked on “The Big Birding,” a 12-month project they decided would feed Ralph’s passion for birding and test Gayle’s logistical, writing, and record-keeping …

READ MORE  The Birdwatcher’s Wife Book by Gayle Smith Padgett
Provence Fall Festivals 2022
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2021 Events

Festivals and Fall Events in Provence Fall in Provence directs you towards a heartier menu. Enjoy meat (lamb, wild boar, taureaux, rabbit, fowl) roasted with herbes de Provence, root vegetables and delicious red wine blends. At this time of year, the hiking is fabulous, biking is possible, and golfers might …

READ MORE  Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2021 Events
Bell Tower Hotel de Ville Aix-en-Provence #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence

It’s someone’s job to clamber up narrow staircases and reach across the void inside the Tour de l’Horloge to manoeuvre the four (4) statues around every 3 months when the season changes. It’s down to (or should we say up to) the Mairie concierge, who says he didn’t realize this …

READ MORE  The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence