Fete des Mais, traditional Nicois costume @FibiTee
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Lu Festin de Nissa Nice celebrates May

What is the celebration of spring in Nice la Fête des Mais? Phoebe has the answer. On the 1st of May and then every Sunday throughout the month, Nice celebrates the arrival of spring.  This custom dates back to Roman times when a “Mai” (a large pine tree felled in …

READ MORE  Lu Festin de Nissa Nice celebrates May
Nice Budget Travel Promenade du Paillon Provence
ExploreLiz Lord

Don’t Get Burnt in Nice Budget Travel Tips

Nice airport has recently been voted the most beautiful aerial approach in the world, by Private Fly. For people living in the Alpes-Maritimes it remains a thrill, as you approach from the West along the Var or East past Monaco, before landing on the sea (well that is how it …

READ MORE  Don’t Get Burnt in Nice Budget Travel Tips
Modern Nice Carnival
InspireThe Riviera GrapevineWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

On the Search for Tradition in the Modern Nice Carnival

February is synonymous with more than one big event; Valentine’s Day, the Oscars, Six Nations Rugby, and, if you live in Nice, Carnival. Like it, or loathe it (I’d say most residents fall into the latter camp), don’t even try to fight the Carnival. Plan your Visit to Nice’s Carnival The theme …

READ MORE  On the Search for Tradition in the Modern Nice Carnival
Aerial View Nice Love French Riviera @RivieraGrape
ExploreThe Riviera Grapevine

Three Things I Love About Nice

I got back to Europe from Australia this morning. As usually happens when I go home to Sydney, people (especially those who I don’t know very well) kept asking me: “When are you coming home?” (ie moving home. growing up. Coming back to reality – it’s a loaded question – I’ve been travelling pretty much since …

READ MORE  Three Things I Love About Nice
Nice France Cote d'Azur @bfblogger2013
Barefoot BloggerExplore

City Side of Nice: Favorite Finds

With all the cold, rainy weather in January, I enjoy looking back at some of last summer’s favorite places. Enjoy and think about sunny days! The city side of Nice Traveling to Nice to enjoy the beaches is always nice. However, don’t forget there’s a city side to explore, too. …

READ MORE  City Side of Nice: Favorite Finds
La Zourcière #Provence @PaulShawcrossuk
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursPaul Shawcross

Explore Nice and Beyond a Paul Shawcross App

Paul Shawcross is an Economics major who turned his sights to travel, photography and writing in the 1990s. He has written many freelance articles for Francophile publications. His experience led Michelin to knock on his door for help writing and revising their Green Guides – for a long list of …

READ MORE  Explore Nice and Beyond a Paul Shawcross App
La Fougasserie, Nice
Local Food ProducersPesto & PistouTaste

La Fougasserie, Nice

A cousin of the Ligurian focaccia, which is also known as fugassa over there, fougasse is a provençal loaf easily recognised by the slashes cut through it prior to baking. Back in August, after a mooch round the beautiful Cours Saleya food and flower market in Vieux Nice, Explore this …

READ MORE  La Fougasserie, Nice
Travel Guide France en Velo
ExploreGinger and NutmegGuided Holiday Tours

Travel Guide: France en Velo a Biking Journey from St Malo to Nice

Previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg: Biking in France Whether you own a custom-fit, carbon fiber steed with electronic shifters or a three-gear cruiser bike with tassels, you have to admit that watching the Tour de France each July is addictive. The right to wear the maillot jaune is earned over …

READ MORE  Travel Guide: France en Velo a Biking Journey from St Malo to Nice
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Where to Eat in Malaucène? Local’s Top Restaurant Picks

Le Prieuré La Madelène Bed and Breakfast (B&B) is the site of a former 12th-century Benedictine monastery nestled just outside the village of Malaucène at the foot of Mont Ventoux. We asked the owners, Bruno and Olivier, for their restaurant recommendations for where to eat in Malaucène near le Prieuré …

READ MORE  Where to Eat in Malaucène? Local’s Top Restaurant Picks
Why Visit Gourdon a Lovely Village
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Why Visit Gourdon a Lovely Village in the Alpes-Maritimes

The medieval village of Gourdon offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Côte d’Azur and the Loup Valley. This quaint village in the Alpes-Maritimes region of Provence is a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. Recognized as one of “Les Plus Beaux Villages de France” (The Most Beautiful Villages …

READ MORE  Why Visit Gourdon a Lovely Village in the Alpes-Maritimes