Canaletto Hotel de Caumont Aix en Provence
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Canaletto Comes to Aix-en-Provence

Of course, there weren’t any cameras around in 18th-century Rome, London, or Venice, but right now in Aix, we can get a fairly accurate view of what these cities looked like thanks to Antonio Canaletto’s careful and colourful paintings.  

READ MORE  Canaletto Comes to Aix-en-Provence
Author Elizabeth Bard Opening day Scaramouche
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Author Elizabeth Bard’s Perfectly Provence Local’s Tips

The Chief Tasting Officer (CTO) at Scaramouche Artisan Glacier is Author Elizabeth Bard’s husband Gwendal. This Franco-American couple is jointly forging a sweet career path in the village of Cérèste. Fueled by the seasonal flavours of their new home in Provence, Elizabeth and Gwendal determined that their careers should be …

READ MORE  Author Elizabeth Bard’s Perfectly Provence Local’s Tips
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Donkey of Provence Le Bourriquet

A.A. Milne may have made Eeyore famous in his Winnie-the-Pooh books, however in reality the hardworking donkey has been helping humans out for thousands of years. The equines family of horses, donkeys and zebras all has a long history.  There are even some prehistoric references.  The experts are divided as …

READ MORE  The Donkey of Provence Le Bourriquet
Les Baux de Provence
Books on ProvenceInspire

Thomas Jefferson in France ~ Part Two

Thomas Jefferson, Minister to France began his southern France travels in 1787 from Paris and that initiated his love for the region. Jefferson visited St Remy de Provence and Les Baux, learning about agriculture and antiquity. Jefferson tested the famous Roman-era baths in Aix-en-Provence. Read more on Ginger and Nutmeg’s …

READ MORE  Thomas Jefferson in France ~ Part Two
Ballet Preljocaj AixenProvence
Guest PostInspirePhotographers in Provence

Ballet Preljocaj – Photo Expo in Aix

Celebrating 30 years of bringing contemporary dance to Aix, there is an exhibition of photography of the Ballet Preljocaj which is running until 20th September. There will be photos from the archives but also those taken by three photographers, one of whom is Jean-Claude Carbonne.

READ MORE  Ballet Preljocaj – Photo Expo in Aix
Pavillon de Vendome #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
InspireProvencal History & TraditionsThe Unexplorer

Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence

The thing I love about Provence is that it’s not Paris. What I mean is: Paris is obvious. There’s the Tour Eiffel, l’Arc de Triomphe, a whole slew of “must-see” tourist destinations. But Provence, on the other hand, still has a lot of hidden secrets that the average tourist is …

READ MORE  Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence
Ashley TinkerExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

July Events in Provence

July is the month of music, theatre and markets celebrating specific local produce. Here is a selection of events going on in Bouches du Rhône and Vaucluse regions of Provence. There is certainly no shortage of things to do! …Continue reading here

READ MORE  July Events in Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille

If you fancy giving your painting skills a boost, I can recommend, from personal experience, the Atelier Ombres et Lumieres in Les Milles. Owner and artist Muriel Moutel will be teaching one-week courses for adults and ados during July. Muriel encourages her classes to start with interesting backgrounds of tissue.

READ MORE  Painting Classes – Les Milles and Marseille
Pont Julien Roman Bridge Provence @ProvenceTayls
David & Karen TaylorProvencal History & Traditions

What have the Romans ever done for us?

By David Taylor One of their many successes was the construction of the bridge ‘Pont Julien’ dating to 3BC crossing the Calavon river near Bonnieux. There are three wide arches, built this way to allow the torrents of water to pass. It may look a gentle trickle in this picture …

READ MORE  What have the Romans ever done for us?
Mime in White Avignon Provence @PJAdams10
Provencal History & Traditions

Avignon Favorite of Popes and Mimes

Each July, the fabled Provence city of Avignon turns into a gigantic theatrical event called the Festival d’Avignon. It features theatricals, concerts, cuisine events, light show extravaganzas, and mime performances by students and professionals alike. But even off-season, Avignon…Keep reading here to discover the secrets behind Avignon’s appeal.

READ MORE  Avignon Favorite of Popes and Mimes