Beeswax Candles Apis Cera Pillars
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Simply Beautiful Beeswax Candles Made in Provence by Apis Cera

Did you know that Apis Cera means beeswax in Latin? Charles van Valkenburg is an artisan courier (a beeswax chandler) based in Provence. In this article, learn more about these 100% pure beeswax candles made in Provence. Master Candle Maker Long before electricity, candlemaking was an essential trade, without which …

READ MORE  Simply Beautiful Beeswax Candles Made in Provence by Apis Cera
Photo Workshop in Provence 2025 Mediterranean Views
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday ToursPhotographers in Provence

Register Now! Photo Workshop in Provence June 2025 with Catherine Karnow

National Geographic photographer Catherine Karnow’s fabulous photo workshop in Provence, which will take place from June 1 to 11, 2025, is now open for registration! These workshops have space for eight (8) guests. Picture Perfect Provence Catherine Karnow is a talented photographer who designs and leads some of the world’s …

READ MORE  Register Now! Photo Workshop in Provence June 2025 with Catherine Karnow
Mougins FAMM Women’s Art Museum
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

The Christian Levett Collection in Mougins at FAMM Women’s Art Museum

Femmes Artistes Musée Mougins (FAMM) is a new chapter in the career of Christian Levett, who created the very impressive Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins, which opened in 2011. The classic art collection included a mix of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman works with modern pieces inspired by the classical world. …

READ MORE  The Christian Levett Collection in Mougins at FAMM Women’s Art Museum
Hiking Mont Sainte Victoire
ExploreLearning FrenchStay FitVirginie Van Der Wees

Mont Sainte Victoire Hiking My Recommendations for Great Walks

Students who join me in Provence for a French immersion experience want to improve their French and explore the region. Our home and Mas de Trois Pins studio are in Rousset, a village near Mont Sainte Victoire. This article highlights a few of the hiking trails on this mountain. It …

READ MORE  Mont Sainte Victoire Hiking My Recommendations for Great Walks
Provence Fall Festivals 2022
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2024 Events

Fall Events and Festivals in Provence As the temperatures drop in Provence during the autumn, restaurant menus move towards heartier dishes. Enjoy slow-roasted meat (lamb, wild boar, bull (taureaux), rabbit, fowl) with herbes de Provence and seasonal root vegetables. These recipes pair well with well-balanced red wine blends from the …

READ MORE  Provence Fall Festivals to Discover 2024 Events
Festival de Cannes Tips for Surviving
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Festival de Cannes Tips for Surviving the Film Festival with the Red Carpet

Ruby Boukabou is an entertainer and a seasoned writer/reporter focusing on travel, culture, and lifestyle. She lives in Paris part-time. Ruby attends the annual Cannes Film Festival and interviews key event organizers between watching the movies and movie stars on the red carpet. As a regular attendee at the annual …

READ MORE  Festival de Cannes Tips for Surviving the Film Festival with the Red Carpet
Ice Production Provence's Glacières
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Revealing the Secrets of Ice Production at Provence’s Glacières

Provence, known for its scorching summers, may not seem ideal for ice production. Yet, between 1650 and 1885, many ice houses (glacières) were ingeniously constructed in the region. This historical innovation, born out of necessity, is a testament to the resourcefulness and some royal assistance. Ice Production Provence’s Glacières In …

READ MORE  Revealing the Secrets of Ice Production at Provence’s Glacières
WWII Liberation of Aix-en-Provence a Photo Exhibition
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & TraditionsWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

WWII Liberation of Aix-en-Provence a Photo Exhibition Until October

A unique photo exhibition will be shown in Aix-en-Provence to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the city’s liberation on August 21, 1944. Called Ombres et Lumières (Shadows and Light), it traces the history of Aix between 1930 and 1950, with particular emphasis on the war years. The show, organized by …

READ MORE  WWII Liberation of Aix-en-Provence a Photo Exhibition Until October
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, Parlez-moi d'amour
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

St Remy Photo Expo Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis is a Must See

If you are in the Alpilles this summer, head to the centre of St Remy de Provence to Espace Hôtel de Lagoy. This elegant space was once a private mansion named in honor of its owner, Jean-Baptiste Florentin Gabriel Meyran de Lagoy (1764 -1829). The Marquis de Lagoy was a …

READ MORE  St Remy Photo Expo Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis is a Must See
Unforgettable Summer Concerts Provence at Glanum in St Remy
InspireKeith Van SickleWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Feel the Music: Unforgettable Summer Concerts in Provence by Candlelight

Imagine sitting in a comfortable seat in an ancient Roman city with a mountain rising behind it. As the sun sets, and you can see thousands of candles among the ruins, perched on stone walls, stairs, and fallen columns. As the sky darkens, the candles begin to glow. Then, a …

READ MORE  Feel the Music: Unforgettable Summer Concerts in Provence by Candlelight