Flyer Vies Silencieuses @RegardsProvence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Marseille at the Moment: Still Lifes

The Musée Regards de Provence is always worth visiting. The current exhibition, Vies Silencieuses, focuses on still-life paintings, many from the gallery’s collection of provencal art. But it starts with some 16th-century Dutch paintings, which are amazing in their faithful detail and feature peonies, stripy tulips, dewdrops, and butterflies.

READ MORE  Marseille at the Moment: Still Lifes
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Baroque Music in Aix’s Hotel de Caumont

Aix’s lovely Hotel de Caumont is hosting an evening entitled ‘1715-1745: Hotel de Caumont et la vie musicale aixoise’ on Saturday. Leading local musician Guy Laurent will be leading the discussion and playing music from the period.

READ MORE  Baroque Music in Aix’s Hotel de Caumont
Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein @Culturespaces #HoteldeCaumont
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?

This is the lady advertising the current exhibition at the Hotel Caumont. Her image is swinging in the wind along the Cours Mirabeau, raising the question, as posed in the exhibition, is she a model of modesty clutching her little veil or is she an insolent minx?

READ MORE  Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?
Panoramas @MuCEM_Officiel
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas

MUCEM seems to specialise in quirky off-beat subjects for its exhibitions. ‘J’Aime Les Panoramas’ is a case in point. It starts with this remark made by Jean Dujardin in a film (see photo of scene) and then walks us through the history of panoramic painting and photography.

READ MORE  To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas
Charles Camoin, Port de Cassis, 1905 (Huile sur toile, 65 x 74 cm) – Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse © RMN-Grand Palais/Fondation Bemberg/Mathieu Rabeau
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet

Just seen the announcement from the Musée Granet that the summer blockbuster exhibition will be dedicated to the life and work of Charles Camoin.  Great news. This painter who was influenced by Cézanne and Fauvism.

READ MORE  Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet
Christmas Markets #AixenProvence
Guest PostMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Market for International Twin Towns

This is unmissable! If you are new to Aix, make sure you go along to this special market when people from our twin towns come together to offer their food and regional products for Christmas treats and presents. Expect lots of German foodstuffs and wine, Portugese and Italian pottery.

READ MORE  Market for International Twin Towns
Christmas in Aix en Provence
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Christmas Carols in Aix

Two unmissable carol concerts at the Cathedral, one international and one very Swedish! The annual international concert will be held on Saturday 6th December. It’s hugely popular so get there well before the 16:00 start if you want a seat. Carols, candles and happiness guaranteed!

READ MORE  Christmas Carols in Aix
Musee Provencal des Transports Gare de la Barque – 13710 Fuveau
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

For Steam Train Enthusiasts in Provence

Have you heard of ‘Les Vaporistes Amateurs de Provence’? They are holding mini-steam train rides and showing other model trains on Sunday 15th November, 14:30-17:30 at the Musée Provençal des Transports Gare de la Barque – 13710 Fuveau.

READ MORE  For Steam Train Enthusiasts in Provence
Courge Pumpkin Squash Provence markets
Guest PostProvencal RecipesTaste

14th Fete de la Courge at Rognes

If you missed the Fete de la Courge at Rians a couple of weeks ago, you can visit another village en fete – this time, Rognes. Their all-day Fête de la Courge will take place on Sunday, 8th November, from 9:00 onwards Squash Recipes for Fall Weather

READ MORE  14th Fete de la Courge at Rognes
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Marseille: Lunch at the Green Bear Coffee Café

Seeking a healthy snack at lunchtime in Marseille? Look no further than the Green Bear Coffee Café close to the Vieux Port in nearby rue Glandeves. They have been offering bio fast-service food since 2007

READ MORE  Marseille: Lunch at the Green Bear Coffee Café