Seasonal Bitter Orange Wine
Beatrice CarrotProvencal RecipesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Treat Yourself to a Taste of Provence with Seasonal Bitter Orange Wine

Bitter orange wine is a traditional, refreshing, and convivial aperitif typical of Provence. It recalls sunny days and the song of cicadas. This article about bitter orange wine is written in French and English for readers who want to improve their language skills. There’s a recipe below for making bitter …

READ MORE  Treat Yourself to a Taste of Provence with Seasonal Bitter Orange Wine
Holiday traditions Christmas Santons
Beatrice CarrotInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Creating Holiday Magic a Provencal Christmas Creche with Adorable Santons

St Francis and the Provencal Creche The traditional French nativity scene that represents the story of the birth of Jesus is essentially a Provençal tradition, but it has a long history that began in Italy. In 1223, in Greccio, St. Francis of Assisi is said to have created the first …

READ MORE  Creating Holiday Magic a Provencal Christmas Creche with Adorable Santons