The Artist and His Objects: Matisse in His Studio

I’ve just been to a wonderful exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. It was called Matisse in the Studio, and it shows how the objects that Matisse surrounded himself with appeared in his art.
Henri Matisse was a collector: He had an array of vases, chairs, carpets, furniture, etc. that found their way into his paintings. Also scattered around his studio were examples of non-western art from which he took inspiration.
…Continue reading here for details from Margot’s visit. The show is on at the Royal Academy of Arts in London through November 12, 2017.
Matisse in Provence
Matisse’s Chapelle du Rosaire at Vence
Matisse at the vineyard – Chateau La Coste New Discoveries at the Vineyard by Anne-Marie Simmons
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