Street Art Marseille Provence
ExploreGinger and Nutmeg

ABCs of Street Art in Provence and Around the World

Nutmeg has long held a fascination for street art and its covert, daring, brash, temporary, loud, in-your-face style of self-expression. So far removed from stuffy galleries and permanent, curated collections. Nutmeg compiled an ABC list of street art terms in order to understand this open-air pursuit and top places for …

READ MORE  ABCs of Street Art in Provence and Around the World
Street Art Aix-en-Provence
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Street Art in Aix-en-Provence

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: Aix centre-ville has been pretty much graffiti-free since Madame le Maire waged war on the taggers, paying a company to remove them within 48 hours. And she was surely right to do so as much of it was just a mess. But increasingly, resourceful shop-owners are …

READ MORE  Street Art in Aix-en-Provence
Street Art @HoteldeCaumont @culturespaces
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Street Art in Aix en Provence

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: The Hotel Caumont in Aix en Provence is hosting a session on Street Art on Saturday December 12th. Four artists, French and American, will be discussing their sources of inspiration and also their different techniques. Following the conference, the artists will be taking part in …

READ MORE  Street Art in Aix en Provence
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix: Art Opening This Week

By aixcentric At last! The work on the Hotel Caumont is done and the grand opening is on May 6th. The 300-year old building will make a fabulous venue for exhibiting 17-19th century art; the first expo is Canaletto, Rome, Londres, Venise. Plus, you can visit a recreation of Pauline …

READ MORE  Aix: Art Opening This Week