Cycling Thoughts While Pedalling in Provence
I read an article a while back about what people think about when running. It was rather humorous and it got me thinking—about thinking. I’ve often looked back after rather trying trips on the bike and gone through what my mind was focusing on. On the average cycle when I …
I read an article a while back about what people think about when running. It was rather humorous and it got me thinking—about thinking. I’ve often looked back after rather trying trips on the bike and gone through what my mind was focusing on. On the average cycle when I …

What Happened to the Famous Sign at the Top of Mont Ventoux?
According to le fils who cycles up there regularly, the Mont Ventoux sign has been taken before, and has been replaced, each time with different heights recorded. The most recent height (see the photo) of 1911m The “Ventouman” who has summited this mountain more times than there are days in …
According to le fils who cycles up there regularly, the Mont Ventoux sign has been taken before, and has been replaced, each time with different heights recorded. The most recent height (see the photo) of 1911m The “Ventouman” who has summited this mountain more times than there are days in …