Tomatoes Provence Market Produce @TableEnProvence
Local Food ProducersPaula KaneTaste

The Provencal Farmer Knows Best

I was having a delicious dinner with a girlfriend when she reminded me of something I hadn’t thought about in ages. We met working at an advertising agency many, many years ago. I had just moved to Calgary from Toronto, it was August and I was desperately missing my end-of-summer …

READ MORE  The Provencal Farmer Knows Best
Guest PostInspireShopping & Gifts

Changes Ahead for Aix-en-Provence Market

Returning to Aix last week, it was good to see the textile market stalls back together in the Cours Mirabeau after being scattered around during the Christmas period; but further changes are afoot from June onwards and the stall holders are not happy. All three markets – textile, foods and …

READ MORE  Changes Ahead for Aix-en-Provence Market
Eggs Provence Market Produce @TableEnProvence
Paula KaneTaste

Provence: Where Are My Eggs?

Many years ago I met a charming couple from California while at the winery in Provence. They were staying on the property for a week and we hit it off immediately. I adore California wine country, and they love Provence so we had a great deal to talk about. One …

READ MORE  Provence: Where Are My Eggs?
Fennel growing in Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

The Freshest Veggies Near You

Fennel bulbs are in season and looking good! I must admit, and you’ve probably noticed, that I am obsessed with markets. Despite generally scheduling my entire week around whichever market I would like to visit, I sometimes just can’t get to the market I want to with the best produce. …

READ MORE  The Freshest Veggies Near You
Great raku pottery #market #Avignon @VaucluseDreamer
InspireJulie WhitmarshShopping & Gifts

P is for Pottery Markets in Provence

As a mother of 2 rugby-loving teenage boys, I know that there is potentially a very short shelf-life for any nice pieces of pottery in our house, which is such a pity. I must admit that both my hubby and I look forward to the day when we may be …

READ MORE  P is for Pottery Markets in Provence
Roquette Pissenlit and Mezzona @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

La Salade: Learning about Leaves

My local farm shop is selling these tender shoots at the moment. Large baskets of the just-picked leaves are set up to pick and choose. I originally placed only 2 varieties in my basket before I was told that the combination of Roquette (Arugula), Pissenlit (dandelion) and Mezzona makes the …

READ MORE  La Salade: Learning about Leaves
St Remy Market @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

My St Remy Market Morning Ritual

I’m walking briskly through the streets at 8 am. The greys and blues of St. Remy compliment this time of day. I am a creature of habit. The sun will be hitting the terrace at Café de la Place soon. My morning coffee is waiting. Continue reading here to learn …

READ MORE  My St Remy Market Morning Ritual
January events in #Provence #ExploreProvence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Janvier en Provence January Events in Provence

No snow yet this year! The villages of Provence become quiet after the holidays. People tend to stay in, stoke their living room fires, and leave a pot au feu (stew) on the stove for many hours. There are fewer of the festivals that celebrate one particular type of local …

READ MORE  Janvier en Provence January Events in Provence
Christmas Markets @AccessRiviera
ExploreLocals Travel TipsRebecca Whitlocke

12 Days of Christmas on the French Riviera

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Ho ho ho! The festive season has crept up on me once again and I’ve been so busy with my kids picking up every cough or virus found on a school playground, and juggling lots of Christmas events that I didn’t get around to …

READ MORE  12 Days of Christmas on the French Riviera
Christmas Markets France Nice #ChristmasMarkets @FibiTee
InspireShopping & Gifts

Christmas Markets in France

Christmas markets in France are becoming increasingly popular every year, yet when many people think of Christmas markets in Europe, France probably doesn’t even spring to mind. A quick internet search will throw up many suggestions for Germany and Austria, maybe Belgium too, but France doesn’t often feature. Continue reading …

READ MORE  Christmas Markets in France