Via Ferrata Cavaillon
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Cavaillon a City Worth Exploring for Culture and History in Provence

Cavaillon is a good-sized city east of the Durance River in Provence with a deep history linked to local agriculture. Most visitors drive straight through Cavaillon on their way to the Luberon’s perched villages and Vaucluse towns, vineyards, and lavender fields without stopping, which is a shame. Cavaillon has lots …

READ MORE  Cavaillon a City Worth Exploring for Culture and History in Provence
Jewish Provence Cavaillon synagogue from museum
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

The Cavaillon Synagogue and More Historic Jewish Sites in Provence

In a previous article, I reviewed Ten (10) historic Jewish sites in Provence – the details are included below. Recently, I discovered that 2024 marks several anniversaries of the Cavaillon synagogue:  the 250th anniversary of its construction, the 100th anniversary of it being classed as a Historic Monument of France, …

READ MORE  The Cavaillon Synagogue and More Historic Jewish Sites in Provence
Jewish Provence Carpentras synagogue site
InspireKeith Van SickleProvencal History & Traditions

10 Historic Jewish Sites in Provence

France has a thriving Jewish community, the third largest in the world after Israel and the United States. And while today Paris is the center of French Jewish life, this wasn’t always the case. That center was Provence for centuries, thanks to a surprising protector: the Pope. This article covers …

READ MORE  10 Historic Jewish Sites in Provence