Jewish Heritage Tours from Paris to Provence in 2020
Martine Bertin-Peterson, the founder of Goût et Voyage, focuses on small group travel to Provence, Italy, and now Paris. After every tour, Martine reviews the itineraries, tweaking the programs to ensure her guests enjoy flawless travel experiences. Jewish Heritage Tours in 2020 In 2020, she is joining forces with Paris-based …
Martine Bertin-Peterson, the founder of Goût et Voyage, focuses on small group travel to Provence, Italy, and now Paris. After every tour, Martine reviews the itineraries, tweaking the programs to ensure her guests enjoy flawless travel experiences. Jewish Heritage Tours in 2020 In 2020, she is joining forces with Paris-based …

Provence Dream Tours Your Personal Guide
Which rosé? Are the whites any good? Can you find decent red wines? Does a wine list in Provence cause you to scratch your head? Sharon de Rham is a multilingual tour guide and expat (read her story here) she is also a wine aficionado. Sharon credits a colleague from …
Which rosé? Are the whites any good? Can you find decent red wines? Does a wine list in Provence cause you to scratch your head? Sharon de Rham is a multilingual tour guide and expat (read her story here) she is also a wine aficionado. Sharon credits a colleague from …

Simply France with Dawn an Affair with Provence
It takes vision to launch any new business. In Provence where tour companies are as plentiful as olive trees and sunshine it also requires passion. Dawn Slieter calls her company Simply France with Dawn as that is what she is trying to share with clients – the simplicity of life …
It takes vision to launch any new business. In Provence where tour companies are as plentiful as olive trees and sunshine it also requires passion. Dawn Slieter calls her company Simply France with Dawn as that is what she is trying to share with clients – the simplicity of life …