Fraises des Bois Discover Foraging for Strawberries in Provence
Did you know that wild strawberries grow in Provence? I couldn’t believe it when Robin first pointed them out to me. In this climate, you’ll often find the plants taking refuge in the shade, but they can be quite abundant. Once you recognize the distinctive toothed foliage, you’ll be seeing. …
Did you know that wild strawberries grow in Provence? I couldn’t believe it when Robin first pointed them out to me. In this climate, you’ll often find the plants taking refuge in the shade, but they can be quite abundant. Once you recognize the distinctive toothed foliage, you’ll be seeing. …

How to Pick Walnuts
If you happen to live near to a walnut tree here in Provence that has yet to have been ravaged by squirrels… I suggest the very satisfying activity of foraging free food! There are many walnuts here in Provence; you’ll often find wild specimens on country lanes. These tend to …
If you happen to live near to a walnut tree here in Provence that has yet to have been ravaged by squirrels… I suggest the very satisfying activity of foraging free food! There are many walnuts here in Provence; you’ll often find wild specimens on country lanes. These tend to …

The Curious Forager in Provence: Wild Leeks and Rocket
One of the wonderful things about living in the countryside in Provence is taking advantage of the free food found all over the landscape. Any amateur forager can benefit without putting their lives at risk! (Although my other half gets quite anxious when I’ve come back with a pile of …
One of the wonderful things about living in the countryside in Provence is taking advantage of the free food found all over the landscape. Any amateur forager can benefit without putting their lives at risk! (Although my other half gets quite anxious when I’ve come back with a pile of …