Celebrating the Epiphany with Cake Brioche des Rois
The Epiphany in France is an excellent opportunity to make (and eat) cake. Although not just any cake, the day is traditionally celebrated with either a Galette or a Brioche Des Rois, recognising the 12th day of Christmas, when the three Magi arrived to offer gifts to the newborn baby. …
The Epiphany in France is an excellent opportunity to make (and eat) cake. Although not just any cake, the day is traditionally celebrated with either a Galette or a Brioche Des Rois, recognising the 12th day of Christmas, when the three Magi arrived to offer gifts to the newborn baby. …
How to Make a Traditional Epiphany Cake
shared by our contributor Phoebe Thomas. She makes this French January treat, a delicious, buttery, frangipane pastry, called la galette des rois, which translates to the King’s Cake at home with her kids.
shared by our contributor Phoebe Thomas. She makes this French January treat, a delicious, buttery, frangipane pastry, called la galette des rois, which translates to the King’s Cake at home with her kids.
How to make galette des rois, traditional Epiphany cake
Contributor blog post by Phoebe Thomas: January is the month of la galette in France. La galette des rois, or King’s Cake, a flaky buttery pastry filled with almond paste, is traditionally eaten at Epiphany on 6th January, but in reality it’s eaten throughout the month at social gatherings, schools, …
Contributor blog post by Phoebe Thomas: January is the month of la galette in France. La galette des rois, or King’s Cake, a flaky buttery pastry filled with almond paste, is traditionally eaten at Epiphany on 6th January, but in reality it’s eaten throughout the month at social gatherings, schools, …