Our Renovation in Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley Tinker

Our Renovation in Provence: The Builders Arrive

Up until now, Robin has been doing all of the renovation to standard building codes (he has done some serious homework and seems to be the only person around here actually following the rules). We knew we would always need a little help with one thing – knocking down the …

READ MORE  Our Renovation in Provence: The Builders Arrive
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix – Changes Happening in Spades

The number of large cranes gives us a clue to the scale of the construction projects going on in Aix at the moment. Thirty projects are underway on just ten of them, including the building of a great new music venue, a new centre for digital industries and start-ups, a …

READ MORE  Aix – Changes Happening in Spades
Mirabeau Cronk Maison Tiles @MirabeauWine
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvenceMaison Mirabeau Wines

Finally in our own Maison en Provence

Contributor blog post by Jeany Cronk @MirabeauWine  As we know well from having read Peter Mayle’s tale of life and construction in Provence, nothing (apart from buying baguettes and Rosé) is ever easy in this neck of the woods. We do forget that construction is mostly a nightmare, wherever you are …

READ MORE  Finally in our own Maison en Provence
Place des Precheurs Aix Centre-Ville
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix Centre-Ville: More Regeneration

Now that the area around the Rotonde is sorted – and it does look lots better – the authorities have turned their attention to another large area ripe for regeneration: the places des Precheurs, Verdun and Madeleine as well as rue Thiers.

READ MORE  Aix Centre-Ville: More Regeneration