Fragrance of Aix-en-Provence by Rose et Marius
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

The Fragrance of Aix-en-Provence Bottled by Rose et Marius

How can you capture the spirit of a city in perfume? That was likely the question that Magali Fleurquin-Bonnard, the founder of Rose et Marius, a luxury perfume creator, asked herself. In collaboration with the Office de Tourisme d’Aix-en-Provence (tourism office), Rose et Marius created a unique fragrance that is …

READ MORE  The Fragrance of Aix-en-Provence Bottled by Rose et Marius
Aix-en-Provence The Inside Story Cover
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Book Review: Aix-en-Provence The Inside Story

First published in 2013, Aix-en-Provence The Inside Story was updated and reprinted in colour in 2021. In this book, author Lynne Alderson shares the history of this attractive city and its colourful inhabitants. The Author Lynne Alderson studied English Language and Literature at Edinburgh University. Her career encompassed journalism and …

READ MORE  Book Review: Aix-en-Provence The Inside Story
Aix-en-Provence Book
AixcentricBooks on ProvenceInspire

Aix-en-Provence Book The Inside Story in Colour

Delighted to say that my book Aix-en-Provence The Inside Story is being re-issued, brought up to date and now in colour throughout.  It‘s eight (8) years since it was first published, and I believe I am right in saying that it’s still the only book to cover the story of …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence Book The Inside Story in Colour
Bell Tower Hotel de Ville Aix-en-Provence #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
AixcentricInspireProvencal History & Traditions

The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence

After 18 years in Aix, I only realized that it’s actually someone’s job to clamber up narrow staircases and reach across the void inside the Tour de l’Horloge to manoeuvre the four (4) statues around every 3 months when the season changes. It’s down to (or should we say up …

READ MORE  The Seasons of Tour de l’Horloge in Aix-en-Provence
Aix-en-Provence Fresh Produce Market
Guest PostMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Springtime at the Aix-en-Provence Markets

Provence takes a long time to wake up in the morning. Especially on market days in Aix-en-Provence. It may be cold, grey, and dark when the market vendors arrive, but eventually, the market starts to buzz when the sun rises. Vendors begin arriving at 5:30 am for set up. I …

READ MORE  Springtime at the Aix-en-Provence Markets
My Visit Aix-en-Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLiving in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Rousset the Best of Living Near Aix-en-Provence

Virginie Van Der Wees lives with her young family near the Mont Sainte Victoire, a short 20-minute drive from Aix-en-Provence. She is a masseuse and a certified French teacher for non-French speakers. Since 2018, Virginie puts together full immersion experiences that include hosting and supporting language learners in her family’s …

READ MORE  Rousset the Best of Living Near Aix-en-Provence
French Bakeries Boulanger Aix-en-Provence

French Bakeries Visiting a Boulanger in Aix-en-Provence

Susan and Sam Gish went on a magical tour of Au Pavé du Roy: Artisan Patissier Chocolatier Boulanger Glacier Traiteur in Aix-en-Provence. Our rendez-vous was with Mme Laurence Campanella, who is the 3rd generation owner of the shop. She invited us to come on a morning in October, and we …

READ MORE  French Bakeries Visiting a Boulanger in Aix-en-Provence
My Visit Aix-en-Provence
ExploreVillages Towns and CitiesVirginie Van Der Wees

My Many Reasons to Visit Aix-en-Provence

My name is Virginie Van Der Wees. I am a French teacher for non-French speakers. I live near Aix-en-Provence. Every morning, it’s a pleasure to wake up and tell myself that I live at the foot of the Sainte-Victoire mountain, 25 minutes from Aix-en-Provence. Je m’appelle Virginie Van Der Wees. …

READ MORE  My Many Reasons to Visit Aix-en-Provence
AixcentricBooks on ProvenceInspire

Crime Novels Set in Aix-en-Provence

Yesterday, an Aixcentric follower prompted me to remind everyone of a series of crime novels set in Aix-en-Provence and beyond.  She had spent time in town recently on holiday and loved reading fiction set in places newly familiar.  For all those who aren’t in Provence right now but would like …

READ MORE  Crime Novels Set in Aix-en-Provence
AixcentricTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Aix-en-Provence and Its Wine Shops

Susan Gish writes: This article is a bit about us and wine, and a bit about three women who manage or own wine shops in Aix.  (We’ve also included some other wine shops in Aix). Susan and Sam are serious wine lovers. They enjoyed a romantic honeymoon in Champagne and …

READ MORE  Aix-en-Provence and Its Wine Shops