Place des Precheurs Aix Centre-Ville
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix Centre-Ville: More Regeneration

Now that the area around the Rotonde is sorted – and it does look lots better – the authorities have turned their attention to another large area ripe for regeneration: the places des Precheurs, Verdun and Madeleine as well as rue Thiers.

READ MORE  Aix Centre-Ville: More Regeneration
Uzes Chateau du Duche @bfBlogger2013
Barefoot BloggerInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Stacey Kent Concert in Uzes

There are a few musical events in my life that the Barefoot Blogger will always remember. The concert with Stacey Kent in the Cour du Duche high on the list. A magnificent azure sky against the yellow haze of the Chateau du Duche and a soft summer breeze made the …

READ MORE  Stacey Kent Concert in Uzes
Modern Nice Carnival
InspireThe Riviera GrapevineWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

On the Search for Tradition in the Modern Nice Carnival

February is synonymous with more than one big event; Valentine’s Day, the Oscars, Six Nations Rugby, and, if you live in Nice, Carnival. Like it, or loathe it (I’d say most residents fall into the latter camp), don’t even try to fight the Carnival. Plan your Visit to Nice’s Carnival The theme …

READ MORE  On the Search for Tradition in the Modern Nice Carnival
Provence bike Fête des Violettes Tourrettes sur Loup
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Violets at Tourrettes sur Loup

Violets are one of the first signs of spring, a welcome sight as they peep out from grassy banks and the undergrowth in woody areas. At Tourrettes sur Loup they are centre stage in the local economy and also in the annual Fete des Violettes.

READ MORE  Violets at Tourrettes sur Loup
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Creative Writing Workshop in Aix

Book In Bar is hosting a creative writing session on Saturday 14th February, from 11-13:00 hrs. Don’t know too much about the content but have checked that the workshop will be held in English as well as French. Participation is limited to 12 people so call the shop on 04 42 …

READ MORE  Creative Writing Workshop in Aix
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Marseille and Provence – Local paintings

Suppose you are visiting the super Raymond Dépardon photography show at MUCEM. In that case, there’s still time to cross the road to the delightful Musée Regards de Provence to catch the last weeks of Marseille Eternelle. You will be guaranteed a relaxing viewing of these colourful local paintings. MuCEM …

READ MORE  Marseille and Provence – Local paintings
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Winter in Marseille

If you are in Marseille for the Christmas lights and market, you may like to drop into the new exhibition at the Maison de l’Artisanat which is showing three centuries of seasonal objects from St Petersbourg. Fine china and costumes are arranged in tableaux taking the visitor back to the …

READ MORE  Winter in Marseille
Raymond Depardon Expo
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Raymond Depardon Expo at MUCEM

The current MUCEM exhibition of 137 shots by famous French photographer Raymond Depardon is called ‘Un Moment Si Doux’. He has selected suitable photos from his work which began in the fifties but has also taken 23 in Marseille, especially for the event.

READ MORE  Raymond Depardon Expo at MUCEM
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

A Sad End for Le Marseillois in the Vieux Port

You probably remember Le Marseillois, the bateau-restaurant moored in the Vieux Port just opposite the Mairie; and you probably remember it sinking on 11th September last year. Since then,no news, but throughout November, the wreck is being dismantle.

READ MORE  A Sad End for Le Marseillois in the Vieux Port
WW1 in Aix
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Commemorating WW1 in Aix

‘Centenaire 14-18′ has already begun in Aix. This is a programme to commemorate the centenary of World War 1 – lots of conferences, talks, and a couple of exhibitions. Look out for a 72m fresco, Le Chemin de Mémoire, inaugurated last evening at the Lycée Militaire

READ MORE  Commemorating WW1 in Aix