Art in Avignon: Christian Lacroix Show Promises to be Mirabilis
French fashion designer Christian Lacroix can be relied on to bring a stylish rather Baroque flourish to everything he does. A proud Arlésien, he has transitioned to Avignon to curate their new show, Mirabilis, for which he has chosen 350 to 400 works, documents and collections, from prehistory to ethnic collections to modern art, all from five Avignon museums. “Je suis comme un enfant le jour de Noel,” (I am like a child on Christmas morning) he said.
The show runs until January 13, 2019, in six venues throughout the city.
Palace des Popes, open every day
Petit Palais Museum and Calvet Museum, closed Tuesdays
Musée Lapidaire, closed Mondays
Requien Museum and Palais du Roure, closed Mondays
More information is available on the tourism office website here.
Read more about Avignon Musées the initiative spearheaded by Cécile Helle Mayor of Avignon 1st Vice President of Greater Avignon. The concept is to showcase the incredible artistic heritage of the city (and region) and collection of artefacts, via shared programming across five (5) museums.
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