Visit to lourmarin @ShutrsSunflowrs
Caroline LongstaffeExploreVillages Towns and Cities

A video visit to Lourmarin

Contributor blog post by Caroline Longstaff: Discover the enchantment of this fairy tale village in Provence’s Luberon. Visit its medieval château and enjoy a musical soirée under its rafters. Meander Lourmarin’s chic boutiques, galleries and restaurants, and fabulous Friday market. Explore the stunningly beautiful Luberon region. Its captivating perched villages, sprawling …

READ MORE  A video visit to Lourmarin
Must See Uzes #Uzes #TravelTips @GingerandNutmeg
ExploreGinger and NutmegRoad Trips South of France

Returning to Visit to Must See Uzes

  The group emails started well before Christmas… Would Nutmeg be interested in a girl’s getaway to Uzès? Seriously? As if, anyone needs to escape Provence. Yes! The proposed itinerary was to include a short visit to Uzès in the Gard. Many visitors who venture westward in Provence to see …

READ MORE  Returning to Visit to Must See Uzes
Vaucluse views of Mont Ventoux @VaucluseDreamer
ExploreJulie WhitmarshRoad Trips South of France

A 3-day Taster Trip to the Vaucluse

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: Where do I start? This last week has been lovely – the house has been full (a great test of the temporary fabric walls & open plan bathroom!) Not only has my eldest son been visiting with his girlfriend, but also my mum, so …

READ MORE  A 3-day Taster Trip to the Vaucluse
Art in Place Massena @margo_lestz
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Curious Histories of Nice by Margo Lestz

The funny thing about life and travel is that we are often more curious about a new environment than our status-quo location. According to Margo Lestz, “Life in a foreign country is never dull and each day is a new learning experience.” She launched her blog The Curious Rambler in 2012 …

READ MORE  Curious Histories of Nice by Margo Lestz
Poodle on the French Riviera #PetTravel @FrenchLessonsBlog
ExploreJemma - French Lessons

Côte d’Azur Homecoming for a Poodle

Contributor blog post by Jemma: “Just borrow a dog for a few hours,” a Toronto friend once told me as I contemplated future stories for this blog. It was a sure-fire way to dig more deeply here, as I do for this site (which – bonjour, New Subscribers! – aims …

READ MORE  Côte d’Azur Homecoming for a Poodle
French Riviera Views @FrenchLessonsBlog
ExploreJemma - French Lessons

Midsummer Grab Bag: Security in the Spotlight

Contributor blog post by Jemma: This Saturday the roads in France are meant to be black. That’s what Bison Futé forecasts, anyway, in its annual summer traffic forecast, Le Panorama de l’été 2016. Saturday, July 30 – Saturday, August 6, too – are the summits of a French summer season …

READ MORE  Midsummer Grab Bag: Security in the Spotlight
Gout et Voyage Luberon Weekend Travel Tips
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style

Martine Bertin-Peterson is intrepid; she had a window of 90 minutes of “downtime” between her back-to-back tour groups, yet she agreed to meet me for a glass of rosé. Beneath the walls of the immense Palais des Papes in Avignon, we chatted about her food and wine excursions in Provence. …

READ MORE  How to Spend a Luberon Weekend in Goût et Voyage Style
Avignon Palais des Papes @AvignonGourmetTours # luminescences
ExploreLocals Travel Tips

What to do in Avignon in August

Contributor blog post by Aurelie: Aurelie Gilabert, the founder of Avignon Gourmet Tours, is an Avignon native who seamlessly navigates her way between three languages (French, English and Portuguese). She offers guided tours of the papal city with just the right blend of historical information and foodie tidbits – be prepared to sample …

READ MORE  What to do in Avignon in August
Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerExplore

Ways to Stand out as a Tourist in Provence

Ways to Stand out as a Tourist in Provence… Other than the Obvious Language Issue (disclaimer: these are gross generalisations made from our personal observations. If you’re feeling judged- don’t worry, I’ve been guilty of many of these) In a Restaurant You show up too early at restaurants. (For God …

READ MORE  Ways to Stand out as a Tourist in Provence
Travel Tips Provence Vaucluse

Exploring the Vaucluse

If you do decide to follow Ester Laushway’s advice on eating out in Vaucluse (see post on le Guide Ganité), you may like to make a day of it. So here are details of a really good website dedicated to the département. Through it, you can subscribe to their newsletter, …

READ MORE  Exploring the Vaucluse