Tourrettes-sur-Loup The City of Violets in Provence
Cheryl ShufflebothamExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Tourrettes-sur-Loup: Provence’s City of Violets

The thrill of discovering new villages with the expectation that the next one will be more charming than the last is why my early trips to France entailed a five-page list of villages in alphabetical order to see. The sight of this list would often make my husband’s face turn …

READ MORE  Tourrettes-sur-Loup: Provence’s City of Violets
Histoires de Bastide a Bed and Breakfast With a View
Bed & Breakfasts in ProvenceCheryl ShufflebothamStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Histoires de Bastide a Bed and Breakfast With a View

On our recent two-day French Riviera adventure, we stayed at the amazing Histoires de Bastide in the most charming of villages, Tourrettes-sur-Loup. After much online searching and scrutinizing of every bed and breakfast in the Côte d’Azur, we settled on this one, and boy was it a find! I selfishly …

READ MORE  Histoires de Bastide a Bed and Breakfast With a View
Provence bike Fête des Violettes Tourrettes sur Loup
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Violets at Tourrettes sur Loup

Violets are one of the first signs of spring, a welcome sight as they peep out from grassy banks and the undergrowth in woody areas. At Tourrettes sur Loup they are centre stage in the local economy and also in the annual Fete des Violettes.

READ MORE  Violets at Tourrettes sur Loup