Gypsy Pilgrimage to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in the Camargue
I find myself increasingly comfortable listening to conversations I don’t understand. Throaty vowels, rusty consonants, over half a dozen languages being spoken at once; French, Spanish, Catalan, American, Austrian, Italian, Romani during the Gypsy Festival, Pélerinage Gitan, in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Listening with our minds instead of our hearts, language often limits …
I find myself increasingly comfortable listening to conversations I don’t understand. Throaty vowels, rusty consonants, over half a dozen languages being spoken at once; French, Spanish, Catalan, American, Austrian, Italian, Romani during the Gypsy Festival, Pélerinage Gitan, in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Listening with our minds instead of our hearts, language often limits …

Saintes-Maries-De-La-Mer Who Knew?
Planning a visit to the Camargue to see the white horses? Here’s another stop to add to your list. What I love about living in France is not only the opportunity to travel in this fabulous country but also the chance to re-learn history. What I never expected, though, was …
Planning a visit to the Camargue to see the white horses? Here’s another stop to add to your list. What I love about living in France is not only the opportunity to travel in this fabulous country but also the chance to re-learn history. What I never expected, though, was …

White Horses on the Beach: Festival d’ Abrivados Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
When I heard there were going to be white horses racing on the beach at Saites-Maries-de-la-Mer, I couldn’t wait to get there. I sent a note to my photographer friend, Alan McBride, and suggested he join me with his fancy cameras. It was an event neither of us could miss! …
When I heard there were going to be white horses racing on the beach at Saites-Maries-de-la-Mer, I couldn’t wait to get there. I sent a note to my photographer friend, Alan McBride, and suggested he join me with his fancy cameras. It was an event neither of us could miss! …

St Maries de la Mer the Abrivado of the Year in Provence
Camargue the Bouches du Rhône The Camargue is the end of the watery road for the Rhone River. The Rhone finally dips its tentacles in the Mediterranean some 813 kilometres from its glacial source in Switzerland. From a frigid, violent start the water reaches the river delta and lazily unfolds, …
Camargue the Bouches du Rhône The Camargue is the end of the watery road for the Rhone River. The Rhone finally dips its tentacles in the Mediterranean some 813 kilometres from its glacial source in Switzerland. From a frigid, violent start the water reaches the river delta and lazily unfolds, …