Shrimp Cakes Dinner
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Shrimp Cakes for Dinner with Friends

Try these savoury, irresistible shrimp cakes with a gingery-lime mayonnaise and salad. With a little advanced preparation, they come together very quickly, and before you know it, an excellent light supper is on the table. On this particular evening, we shared the meal virtually with friends across the country. Through …

READ MORE  Shrimp Cakes for Dinner with Friends
Provençal Aioli Dip wearecookandbaker-provencal-aioli-crudite-grazing-platter-recipe
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer

Sofia and Kate the chef and baker behind “WeAreCookandBaker” have taken a Provençal aioli dip (garlic mayonnaise) and developed a bright, refreshing tapas-style appetizer. In Provence, many restaurants serve a typical aioli on Fridays (le grande aïoli), a dish that features steamed cod, potatoes, carrots, green beans and a healthy …

READ MORE  Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer
Aioli Recipe Tastes Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Aioli On Fridays in Provence

Aïoli is the name of a garlic mayonnaise. Aïoli is also a traditional Provencal dish that was typically served on Fridays. The classic dish le grand “Aïoli” Provençal is served with salted cod and potatoes.

READ MORE  Aioli On Fridays in Provence