La Marseillaise French National Anthem
InspireMargo LestzProvencal History & Traditions

French National Anthem La Marseillaise the History of the Song

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: It took a Revolution France’s rousing national anthem, the Marseillaise, was written during the French Revolution. In 1792 the Revolution was in full swing, and all the monarchies of Europe were nervous. It made them uneasy to see people rise up against a king, and it was …

READ MORE  French National Anthem La Marseillaise the History of the Song
La Sardinade #Provence #BastilleDay @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

La Sardinade and Fete National

July 14th is the National Holiday of France (Bastille Day). To celebrate, you would think that in the spirit of Liberté, égalité, fraternité all French people would celebrate this holiday in the same way… It is true that there will be fireworks set off this evening in just about every …

READ MORE  La Sardinade and Fete National