Maison Victoire Founder Victoria Templeman
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLiving in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Why Choose Maison Victoire Estate Agency? Exclusive Interview with Founder Victoria Templeman

In the heart of Provence’s enchanting Luberon Valley lies the picturesque village of Cabrieres d’Avignon. Unlike bustling urban centers, this serene town offers a tranquil retreat with its quiet charm and impeccably preserved streetscape. Blending seamlessly with this idyllic setting is Maison Victoire Immobilier, a real estate agency that embodies …

READ MORE  Why Choose Maison Victoire Estate Agency? Exclusive Interview with Founder Victoria Templeman
Buying a house in Provence #Provence via @Provence_Search
Expat Living and Real EstateSophia van Woensel-Mose

French Property and the Free Search Myth

If you’ve been searching for French property for a while and find the system confusing, then you’re not alone. On the face of it, things in France seem to work the same way as in the UK, Australia, America or Holland. Maybe you contacted an estate agent assuming that they …

READ MORE  French Property and the Free Search Myth